About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, July 23, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Ignorance is bliss?

That's debatable.

Nowadays the dumbest always blame other people - usually the most vulnerable - for their own problems.


I want you to try and imagine how you would react if this were happening in your country instead of Ukraine.


And I wonder if we could find a leader like this guy.

Powerful new wartime portrait of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by artist Serhii Pertsev.


Swedish Dragons are on the streets and now they are on our side.



And I, for one, am furious that the powerful escape punishment.


Of all the men to worship, why Donald Trump? He cheated a fucking CHARITY for God's sake!



And she must be punished. It's the same reason EVERYONE responsible for Jan.6 must be punished - to make its recurrence less likely.


People keep telling me that the proof that America is the greatest country is the number of people who want to come to live here. But when you consider that the world has over 7 BILLION people, the number trying to immigrate is minuscule.


That is exactly how I feel about anonymous ranters leaving me insulting comments.


I knew I wanted to be a school teacher when I realized how much I respected some of mine.



I would rather have worms stuck in my eyes. 


How are we going to win in anything if they keep changing the rules in their favor? 

A huge percentage of black people can't get off work to vote and require drop boxes. Black people mostly vote Democrat. Republicans remove drop boxes.



When someone begins getting a little too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know where they stand in my pecking order.


Norway has one of the highest happiness index rankings. Norway also has one of the largest average breast sizes. Correlation or causation?




I painted a mural on the back of a theater that looked pretty much like that. The owner let me store all my paint and equipment in the basement which was accessed through a door right in the middle of the wall. When the owner died his son took over the business and the first thing he did was clean out that basement. Day after day I watched him haul still-wrapped movie posters to the dump. And not just 3'x4' like you see in the lobby.

The son told me that years ago the movie companies would include posters with the reels of film. They include what was called a "One" or what we would call a normal-sized poster...

But there were boxes with a Five, Ten, and Twenty - the latter being a billboard. 

He told me that his father had saved every poster set since he opened the theater in the 50s. I told him that some of them might be worth a lot of money and he told me I could have any and all of them I could haul off.

But I had nowhere to store them so I passed on the offer. I think about that mistake a lot.


When we all knew my mother was dying all of us children sat around her and told her why she was such a good mother. I told her that it was because she let me know that making art was a worthwhile thing to do.


But as a culture, we Americans seem to have lost all sense of aesthetics.


Livraria Lello bookstore in Porto, Portugal would never be built in America.


Why would it never be built in America?


Cheapness permeates our whole culture.


I remember when people used to demand beauty.

Not so much anymore...




You sleep because you are tired. I sleep so I can time travel to breakfast. We are not the same.


Am I the only husband who did chores around the house just to get head afterward?



That is remarkably accurate.


Speaking of seagull mitigation...

Fucks and seafood given: zero.

When there's a bar fight I want that guy on my side.


Nice word twattery.


The most amazing photograph ever taken...

Humans have a need to believe in the supernatural...Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, UFOs, God.

Then there's this delightful kicker: Do you want to live forever? Well, of course, you do! That it is quite impossible doesn't matter if you truly believe. Brilliant!




An entire society built on guilt.


Enslaved Winter


My friend's name was Rupert Rentz and he pronounced it Wupert Wentz until he got hair on his balls.


Our AC went off last night...




Guys need a welcome mat like that.



Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. So attack while they are distracted.


A friend told me that he suffered from paranoia so I followed him around for a few days to see what he meant.





Tulip season in the Netherlands.

What happened to their tulip bulb market in the 1800s reminds me of bitcoins and such.


If my wife gets dementia I'm going to convince her she is a little kid again so she will pedal my ass around all day.


The yellow/white spine on its back is perfectly aligned with the midrib of the Mango leaf on which it lives and feeds. They are native to Sri Lanka, India, and Southeast Asia.


Aragonite," like Flowers ", Mallorca island, Spain.


I would bet money that I have viewers who don't know why that kid is an idiot.


The gesture that speaks a thousand words...

Speaking of rectal trauma...

Getting your ass kicked...literally.


Grand Theft Ants


All things Ralph...



Power-assisted shovel


Kaprekar's Constant is neat


Another launching of a really big ship because I like launchings of really big ships...


A wonderful old TV commercial


I was disappointed that the side slats on my newest box didn't line up with the slats on the top.

So I made a new one that solved the alignment problem.

I'm going to leave the inside like this to reinforce the idea that it was made from scape wood I found on the side of the road.

I used those new screws I really like - the ones with the washer attached to the screw.

I ordered 300 at the project start and when I was finished I only had 3 to spare.

And Now The Good News

A couple of years after retiring I couldn't stand seeing my tools sit around unused and figuring I would never use them again I started giving them away. Well, all these years later I decided that I did need that air nailer I gave way so I went to my favorite tool and supply store to buy what I needed.

I spent a lot of time picking out exactly what I needed - with assistance - and then the guy went back to the warehouse to get my order. But when he came out he only had one box.

It was a special offer with EVERYTHING I needed for half of what they would have cost individually. I had even picked out that exact compressor and that exact air nailer.

After the guy put it in the bed of my truck I handed him a $10 tip which he said he couldn't accept. I told him it was not a tip, it was the way a man bought a new friend a couple of beers. He smiled and accepted.


And lastly a coat of spar varnish.



I loved the top so much that I added enough extra wood to cover the box in the same tight grid.

The added bits are unvarnished and thus lighter. I haven't decided if I should leave them that way or make them match the older bits.

Because the wood is VERY rough cut it varies in width, thickness, and any other way you want to measure it. Therefore, each little square had to be individually measured and cut to fit that space and that space only.

But I had a brainstorm.

I mounted a ruler on my chop saw. After measuring the space I just aligned the word to that exact length on the ruler.


I'm now in the process of giving boxes to people I know with newborns. That way they can grow up with them. My hope is that when they move into a place of their own they use it as a coffee table or whatnot.









This is a little subtle but it still made me smile...

*NOTE: Not only is my puzzle file running dangerously low but I've run out of places to find new puzzles. Please...PLEASE send me anything you think will help.


Dr. WeTodd said...


BillR said...

^^D9^^ What would ants want with a gold chain? Was it covered in sugar or something?

ponder said...


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