About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

SUNDAY #4960

One Of My Very Own

And Southerners.

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




If you only read one thing in this post please let it be what this guy has to say. And after you read it I want you to write me with all the reasons it should not, can not, and will not happen.



And don't forget - their instruction manual has already been written.



I remember when the "Death Panels" bullshit was circulating. I guy was bitching and moaning about it and I asked him if he even knew to what that term referred and he admitted that he did not. So I told him. It was proposed that under Obamacare if you found yourself with a terminal illness you would be provided with consultation from a team of doctors to explain all your options. That's it. Medical advice...from doctors. 



Biden is probably thanking his lucky stars that he was smart enough to get vaccinated so his symptoms are minor. There are STILL morons who think that getting a vaccine was supposed to keep you from GETTING covid when anybody with a brain knows the vaccine only increases your odds of not DYING from covid. 

I credit their stupidity to a steady diet of Fox News.



Shapeshifters can make their dicks any size.


An erection is technically blushing.




Cyclists play Rock Paper Scissors to decide who wins the race stage.


Yeah, I didn't predict the outcome correctly either.


I usually stick up for the workers who are forced to improvise but that is just stupid.


What type of music do you think she is listening to?


Pool Rope Thing


Joseph Robert Beyrle (1923-2004)

Joseph was a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne when he was caught by the Germans during the Normandy landings. Eventually, he managed to escape and wandered in the German countryside until he met Russian troops and persuaded their commanders to allow him to fight on the front line. He fought for a month and was wounded. Marshal Zhukov arranged for Beyrle's trip back to the US. Beyrle is the only American who fought the Germans in both the US and Red Armies during WW2. Beyrle died in his sleep of heart failure on December 12, 2004, during a visit to Toccoa, Georgia, where he had trained with paratroopers in 1942. He was 81. He was buried with honors in Section 1 of Arlington National Cemetery in April 2005.


But here in America...

Proud Boys members try to get into a drag show in Woodland, CA and are pepper-sprayed. Watch the cops before the pepper spray. They do...nothing.

Then they call for backup. This is enraging.

To repeat - what's the big deal with transgender people. Who the fuck cares?


Have you ever risked your life to save another?




Somewhere out there there is a man who thinks he has the strongest pull-out game in the world when in reality he is just incapable of making children.


When you are a kid playing truth or dare, dare is the scary option. When you are an adult it's truth.



It was stated that people pay $10K to be smuggled into the US.

Why not just fly into Dallas as a tourist and stay?


Pesci is good but I admire the middle-aged guy sitting in a cabin in the woods writing those lines on his laptop.


Here in the South, we know not to walk on a blacktop barefoot, not to dive in water if you don't know how deep it is, never leave a living thing in a parked car, etc. So, how is it that a northerner doesn't know not to do that?


Geography Quiz



Independence Day Plot Holes 

We have missiles that guide themselves onto the target yet those vastly technologically advanced aliens do not and their lasers miss more often than made contact.

And whatever happened to the dog, Boomer, in the movie Independence Day?


*Game of Thrones Season 8


Look carefully...

So, they thought it a good idea to build it over the power lines instead of raising the lines?


And on the day this was to be posted I found this relevant image...



It's going to be really weird how quiet cities like New York become once electric vehicles take over 100%.


There are a lot more people eating sharks than sharks eating people.



The researchers found that the shinbone density of nine of the astronauts had not fully recovered after a year on Earth – and was still lacking around a decade's worth of bone mass.


Beleaguered officials there hope that giving the fish a new name — copi â€” will trick people into getting hungry for the sucker-mouthed beasts, reducing their population to a manageable level.

The new name was part of a $600,000 rebranding effort by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.


Examples of tasks that tap into o, from top left: 1) Are these two objects identical despite the change in viewpoint? 2) Which lung has a tumor? 3) Which of these dishes is the oddball? 4) Which option is the average of the four robots on the right?


Answers: 1) no 2) left 3) third 4) fourth.


I'm pretty good at finding relationships in images.

But until a commenter told me I didn't even notice that this guy is sitting in a really tiny chair.


*Verification Requested



Remember this?

The more things change...


I once read that the secret to this type of precise joinery was the fact that they had a plethora of stones - so many stones that they could find one in the shape they needed. Then with minimum alteration, the mesh is perfect.


And it is my guess that they are still making a profit at $1.50. What they don't want is for a customer to get hungry and leave the store to go eat.



My wife does not love me because I am handsome. She finds me handsome because she loves me.


If you are being chased by a pack of taxidermists DO NOT play dead.




My wife invented that trick back in the 80s.



I saw that movie on Pornhub! They both seemed to really enjoy themselves.


Nature's Pole Dancer





My friend, Rupert, would surely do that. 

Because he's an asshole.




You can't throw a dead cat down here without hitting a Waffle House.





And nobody moved to render aid.




Anonymous said...

First image after C6: They couldn't raise the lines, otherwise the electric train that runs on that track underneath those lines wouldn't work.

Doctor Wetodd said...

B5 Death Metal!!!

Anonymous said...

RE: Tom Hartman's tweet thread: As long as the stock market keeps performing, I'll be fine - Too many retirees

BillR said...

^^D8^^ Costco Hot dogs – it's called a loss leader. The Founder/President/CEO has sworn as long as he's in charge they will never raise the price of their hot dog. They do not make a profit on them, but they do raise their membership prices every couple of years, which is where they make a ton of money.

Source: https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/costco-hot-dogs/

(the part about never changing the price is from something else I've read, but can't find.)

Ploddy said...

Word puzzle anagram for certifiable:


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