About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

SUNDAY #4967

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I'm beginning to have my doubts about the infallibility of our Founding Fathers. They got the slave thing wrong and they got the women's things wrong so who's to say they didn't really think through the calling every group of drunken rednecks a "militia"? 


I had a restaurant owner BRAG about pocketing the money meant to keep his employees from starving. He told me that "nobody even checks to see" what he does with the money. Well, maybe it's time somebody did look.


Oh, don't think I haven't tried it more than once with less than stellar results.



Maybe. Not much to do about Fox but the biggest problem is climate change.



I want you to think about it carefully before you answer and I would really like you to leave a comment. Question: Would you feel more or less safe if every American walked around with a weapon of war slung over their shoulder?



This is ridiculous!!! It's July 30th and people are still shooting off fireworks. One almost caught our Christmas decorations on fire.

*Think about how hard it must be for a cartoonist to come up with a new gag every single day. I have a hard enough time with my OOMVOs and I have the whole internet to pilfer.

"Mommy, where do Marjorie Taylor Greenes come from?"

"Well, when an assault rifle and a bag of meth love each other very much..."




Did you notice his jacket?


People are so petty. I banned a rude commenter and then he started leaving little snide comments under anonymous not knowing that I can block any source with the click of a button. Conservatives are like that. Instead of not reading a book they want it banned. Instead of not engaging in homosexual conduct they want it banned. Instead of simply not viewing Folio Olio they choose to harass me. 

I feel sorry for these people.


What happens if you use 100% of your brain?


That's the type of man who is against ANYTHING the liberals are for even if it goes against his own self-interest. 

"Would you like to make sure a working family doesn't go bankrupt if a child gets cancer?"

"Well, maybe. Are the liberals in favor of it?"


"Then I'm against it!"


That is extraordinarily dangerous. I've tied hundreds of ladders off to forestall falling but you MUST use more than one rope. Besides falling, the ladder can rotate and then you are fucked.


I've seen this sort of behavior a thousand times...

Somebody just found out he's getting laid tonight.


I think we found the guy who was once traumatized by a dog.


And that kids, is how I met your mother.


God, I hope that works. And for anyone who says government shouldn't compete with private businesses I say that particular business has violated its terms of service.


What it's like raising a toddler...

*She worked for my wife many years ago and everyone said she was a very sweet young woman - not a pretentious bone in her body.



If it works it's not stupid.


Balloon Dare

I think they should take turns - like Jenga.


Fair Ride Reaction

That looked a little faked to me but he faked it very well.



In Canada are cupcakes called 250mLcakes?


I ran out of gas today and called my insurance company for roadside assistance and they totaled my truck.



Cowboy and Horse Sand Sculpture

They create it knowing it will be destroyed. That's my friends philosophy for the pottery he makes - he know each piece will one day be destroyed.


Yeah, I guess if a baseball pitcher can throw a curve ball...



I'm guessing that's a book bag. Anybody know any different?


Have you ever heard the phrase:

 "Turning a sow's ear into a silk purse"?


The White Desert is one of the most unusual natural wonders in Egypt, It is located 45 k.m/ 27.9617 miles, from the Farafra Oasis in the New Valley Governorate. It was declared a nature reserve in 2002.

Its rocks consist of either White calcium, quartz crystals, or limestone, and the combination of white sand and sunlight makes the White Desert a unique place. It is an open museum for studying the desert environment, geographical phenomena, fossils and wildlife and contains antiquities.

27.9617 miles? Could you be a little more specific?


I once went to the bathroom during halftime at a college football game. The room had a wall on which men peed and as I waited I noticed that each man separated himself from the other men by a good 3'. So when it was my turn I moved a little closer to the other patron on my left and motioned for the next guy to fit in between me and the other guy on my right. I said something about there being plenty of room for more people then did my business and left. But as I was leaving I looked back and the men had reverted to the 3' separation protocol.


Be careful, I paid a fortune for this...

My buddy, Rupert, did that exact same thing with is car keys.


Stream factory in China

You can rent space and equipment to work as a streamer - or so I'm told.


The thing that is bothering me about this is that a giraffe is easily one of the most disproportionate animals when halved. Which half, scientists? And what direction is it halved? Confusion reigns.



If you want to make some memories add some tequila.


I wish my personality was naturally two margaritas in.



I really like solutions like that.



"What the fuck you lookin' at?"


*No harm came to rich people in the making of this meme.


The pills are cool and all but where do you find a jar that big?


Honesty in labeling...


Sherwin Williams has a paint guaranteed for life. I asked them how they could possibly back that up and he told me that no paint wears out from the outside. Paints fail from the inside out - which is not guaranteed.

These are examples of a paint failing from the inside.


Can anyone explain to me why that is necessary?


I love it!


Starry Sky Black Petunia



Laser Cutting

Our big laser is alive again!! For 3 MONTHS we couldn't get her going. Was pulling my hair out.  This is the first piece we were able to make after the 3 months of down-time.  If your a laser person, you understand how it can go...

Thanks for looking.


48" Round

12 Layers

Hangs on a French Cleat

Took 1 Billion hours to design and make (Approximation)

*Please remember that Arial font indicates I copied and pasted straight from the source.


Tree Relocation

I have a beautiful tree in my yard that is about that large.








I read a most interesting article concerning "High-Status Profile" and that woman has it in spades.




Fardygardy said...

it is a doorstop

billr said...

^^D12^^ Where can I get one? And how much will it cost?

billr said...

^^A7^^ less safe. There's fucking morons out there that will drop their gun and kill half a dozen people, and then they'll claim to be the victim. Or they were bullied as a child.

(Also, sorry for two posts. I forgot about this one and had to add it separately.)

Wrekreation said...

D-8. My belief is that this is a change machine next to a souvenir Penny Press. The machine requires you to put in a penny and then some amount of change to make it work.

Inchworm said...

puzzle You could say that is a Doors-stop.

Anonymous said...


if their record on cannabis is anything to go by, it will be more expensive

Anonymous said...

A2: I was at a party 40 years ago and some contractor was bragging he hasn’t paid taxes in 8 years. He was proud of it. Makes me regret having paid all I did when so many don’t. Did you ever notice that there is no asking for school loan forgiveness with trade schools> POS

Anonymous said...

B3: Liberals are those that ban unapproved opinions….think the so called fact checkers on nittwitter, FB, etc. Biden is trying to ban the word “recession”. So many examples no more “mother” that will now be “birthing person” Insanity.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B3 Anon, So you are telling me that checking to see if something is true is "banning"? And the suggestion that you and I aren't allowed to say Mother anymore is just silly. Banning is when governmental bodies deny you access to something. None of your examples fill the bill.

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