About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 1, 2022

MONDAY #4968

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Headline: Man Attacked By Dogs Gets New Leash on Life.


I believe in aliens more than I believe in a "runner's high".



Am I the only one who would go completely insane with a job like that - day in and day out?




As stated previously, I'm all in favor of games that require exercise.

But with a little goofiness, you can get exercise just about anywhere...


Fuck filming - I don't think anyone should get that close to a cop arresting someone.




The importance of proofreading is illustrated.


Do you remember backyard camping? 

Do kids still do that?


I recently heard a man say, "I'm really burnt-out and exhausted from faking being okay."

I think of that every damn day.


I love the Bible story where God gives us free will and burns us alive for eternity if we use it.


Great idea! How about showing us yours also.


You gotta love librarians!


An opinion to think about...



If you clone yourself and then have sex with the clone is it considered masturbation or incest?


I don't know about you guys but I don't have any more passwords left in me.




Her foot position is perfect.



Actually, that's not very amusing.









What do you mean you don't want to eat Chinese?











Rapunzel is my favorite fairytale about a woman who finds happiness when a man pulls her hair.


Well, it's July and 106° so Walmart should be putting out Christmas stuff any day now.



Culvert Cleanse

They asked. "How did they get the chain through?!"

I'm thinking of a plumber's snake.





That is a depiction of how much paint I've spilled during my career as a muralist.


We have all heard of shitting on the company's clock so exercising seems legit.


Was that reversed?


I thought that the reason they built a house around it was to camouflage it.


Forget the why - I want to know what it's made out of.




When the bartender used place another beer in front of me when she saw I only had a couple of swallows left...

My new doctor asked me if I drank. I told her I drank 11 beers a day. She asked me how I was so certain it was 11 so I explained that I bought a 12-pack every day and on the 12th day I didn't have to buy one. I watched as she wrote: Alcohol Abuse.


I'm not saying that is wonderful but I am saying it's not the same old, same old. I usually embrace the new and novel.


Tables?! It has tables?


My studio is only about six feet from my office.

When the cable guy put in my box I asked for and received extra cable so I could move the box from my office to my studio.

Then I attached all the TV and cable box to a rolling table. At first, I used a Rubbermaid tray with the box inside and the TV mounted on top. But I had an overheating problem.

So I redid the whole thing using a milk crate. Everything is screwed down to avoid toppling during the moves from my office to my studio.

And as if I planned it, the added height positions the TV screen above my computer screen for effortless viewing.

And strangely, in real life the TV screen appears as large as the computer screen from where I sit but in the photograph, it appears much smaller. Foreshortening?





*I almost missed that.




Then the separation anxiety kicks in...


What's an alternative instruction for this sign?



Anonymous said...

A2: A record 1,000+ private jets arrived at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland to discuss what they can do about your carbon footprint. Gore flew his private jet as well. That’s ok because his house uses only 34 times the average home. He has 6 houses, 12 cars and 2 yachts. His money was inherited. The one I like is when he said “The North Pole will be ice-free in the summer by 2013 because of man-made global warming”. BTW: Did you hear that Glacier National Park is replacing the signs that predicted its glaciers would be gone by 2020. Did you ever wonder what thawed the mile high glaciers that created the Great Lakes, without modern man to cause global warming.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A2 Anon, You, sir, scare the holy crap out of me.

Anonymous said...

A12- shouldn't you agree with that statement? Even if you don't like the person stating it? There should be a client list doxing these pedos. U don't agree with what this insane woman said? She said something completely sane. U don't agree with that?

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