EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com
*Viewer contribution
Every time I see that quote by Michael Collins I realize that this guy was definitely the funniest motherfucker in space.
You had one job...
I've done that...but never sober.
I think he stapled the thing's foot to his pants cuff?!?!?
I tried that off a diving board and split my scalp open. And since I was wet, walking to the car to go get stitches the blood covered my whole body and looked much worse than it was.
What in the Oedipus is going on here?

In one of my classes, I was given a psychology test whereby we drew various objects, then had them evaluated. For instance, if you left off the doorknob of the house you drew it meant you were withdrawn. And if you didn't draw the hands on the person you drew it meant you were hiding something. I objected by saying that leaving off the hands was done just to save me time and the evaluator countered with "So, you are hiding the fact that you are not very good at drawing hands."
It all sounded like a horoscope prediction that you can fit into any situation.
This guy can jump!
When they first began to allow women into combat units the American Legion where I hung out went completely insane. I offered this thought experiment:
You come up with an evaluation technique of combat readiness and you grade every soldier from say 1-100. Then you compare the list of scores for women against that of men. I will assure up that the best woman is better than the worse man. Further, I predict many women outscore men.
Come to find out I was correct and almost no army in the world could function without women.
Speaking of highly motivated, fit women...
I took a bricklaying class exactly like that just long enough to realize that I never, ever wanted to be a bricklayer.
BTW: In classes, they use a special mortar lookalike that never hardens and is easily washed off.
But in my rejection of bricklaying, I never anticipated its potential...
Gator Capture
I showed you the capture months ago but this shows what he did with it afterward.
Your reaction to those clips says a whole lot more about you than it does them.
I posted those in honor of the guy who wrote me to say, "I'm not homophobic but I don't want it shoved down my throat in movies and TV commercials and such."
Now I want you to guffaw with me at his choice of the phrase "shoved down my throat" in that context!!!!
Exercise is just positive self-harm.
Have you ever been so poor that you purposely started drinking on an empty stomach so you could feel it more?
I once rented a house directly across the street from the fairgrounds. The first time the carnival came to town I walked over and watched them construct all the rides and it was terrifying. Need four bolts but only have three? Fuck it, three is enough. When it came time for the "inspection" the city sent a fireman. A. Fireman.
Dogs raised by cats - or so I'm told.
Sans trauma I can't think of a single time I would ever describe my balls as "uncomfortable".
I've shown this before but I just noticed something ingenious.
What with all the boxes I make, I spend a lot of time thinking of hinges. The creator of that contraption used a book for a hinge. Brilliant!
Do you think they actually planned that or just monkeyed around on a computer?
It's called Darkness but I lost the photographer's name...sorry.
Movie characters take off their glasses when shit gets real even though that's when you need your glasses the most.
The hardest part about having kids is when they suggest getting ice cream for dinner or picking up another dog on the way home and you have to say no and act like that's not a great fucking idea.
I read that he was an ace German pilot and it sounds to me that he just doesn't want to be held accountable.
On the International Black Hole registry, you can "Name a black hole after someone (or something?) who sucks! With your purchase, you will receive a digital certificate with the name of the person you are honoring, along with unique coordinates for your black hole and (if desired) a personalized message."
Baobab is a prehistoric species that predates both mankind and the splitting of continents over 200 million years ago. Native to the African savannah where the climate is extremely dry and arid, it is a symbol of life and positivity in a landscape where little else can thrive.
*Verification Requested
And he insists on being called the God of Love.
I was visiting a landowner out in the country when the well-drillers showed up. The first thing they did was use a dowsing rod to find the water.
It was just a forked twig he cut on site and when they drilled at the spot indicated by the dowser they found water. Make of that as you wish.
Growing up in the country we saw things like that almost nightly. It was stated that one was bigger and slower than most and could have been an old satellite.
Kind of reminds me of one of those tents in Harry Potter.
Said to be rejected kale.
Ants made a castle
The guy called it the Mick Jagger of cows.
I just heard Mick is on tour again at the age of 79. When I'm that old I just hope I don't shit myself.
This is an Arabian sand boa and it looks just like a little kid's best effort at drawing a snake.
As I understand it, some of those were carried along by a glacier and then gently deposited on such perches when they melted.
Concert Coon
What must it think of music?
There's ALWAYS a bigger fish...
-sound on-
I guess that third lion never did get across that river.
Shark in the Water
Said to be a 25-footer.

What is this?
Highlight between brackets for answer:
[ Arial View of New Delhi, India ]
If I make a comment here I try to choose just one subject, but today...
Or the Vatican
Sorry, not buying any of this. His lawyers should have been the best of
the best. I'm thinking blackmail.
I read where the fitness tests are being less strenuous so more of the youth of today can pass them. And just so you know. I tried to join the air force when I graduated high school. They laughed at me and sent me home. I have the peanut allergy.
A scam. Just like the old "name a star" after a loved one. I always thought of Captain Kirk arriving at the Dweezle system.
My old man could do the water witching. I never got to see him in action but I was told he was damn good.
Dear JNR, What a wonderful comment, and I thank you for it. But each item in every post is numbered (^^A!^^) so you and I can communicate. Without the number, I really don't know what you are referencing.
Thanks again and stay well.
I had them on there in my message. Don’t know why they didn’t appear to you.
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