About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 4, 2022


One Of My Very Own

*Captain. I now think it should have read: WARP CORE BREACH, CAPTAIN!


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Never forget that Ukraine still fights against the Nazi zombie army of Vladamir Putin.

Support them by donating directly to Ukraine's army:

Republicans: "Oh, the liberals dislike Putin so I MUST like him because, you know, I haven't had an original thought in twenty years - I just wait to see what the Democrats want to do and then oppose it." 

Evidence abounds. They don't even bother to have a party platform anymore.



And I lay the blame at the feet of our campaign contribution laws that more or less allow the rich to buy politicians.


When we are bombarded with trash like this...

...then any craziness can seem legit.

It chills me to the bone what some people will believe.

The gullibility is staggering.

And when you point out a plot hole in their narrative you are ridiculed as persecuting the delusional.

When I see images of deep space I wonder if any believer ever wonders why we've never found Heaven.

A commenter once wrote: "Not all Christians believe in the 6000-year-old Earth."

So, you are allowed to pick and choose what parts of your holy book are true and what parts are total bullshit? How about the part that says God exists? Can I just reject that?



(Government by a person considered holy - I had to look it up)
And some think he has arrived.

I used to not worry about anything too drastic happening because the Supreme Court would reign in anything too radical. But now I fear we have justices who let the Bible dictate MY rights so all bets could be off.

 So Kansas, are you going to submit to a far right religious cult?



Sometimes you meet someone and you know from the very first moment that you want to spend your whole life without them.


*Did you notice the bone saw?


The first cicada of the season just walked itself right into my fire pit. 13 years underground, looked at the world, and said nope.



I used to not know alcohol was not healthy for a dog and gave him a buzz almost daily. Little fucker loved it!


How did she do that?

Oh. Never mind.



Just another reason to reject cheap plastic Walmart lawn chairs.


He has no escape route...but, of course, he's armed.

Did you notice even his boots are camouflaged?


Why the hell not?


Bill Clinton committed PERJURY and I would have voted to convict also.

But I'm a goose and a gander kind of guy and only ask that you at least think about this: If Trump goes unpunished for his crimes then the door is wide open for EVERY president to do the same. Are you comfortable with that?


We Americans could literally learn the metric system in a weekend but we are world champs in the "because we've always done it that way" mindset.


Veteran: I need help.

VA: Fuck you. Apply to one of those charities.


With my old eyes and old tools, I ALWAYS cut too long and then trim down to size when I need it precise. Better too long than too short.


Allow me to retell my favorite story:

The wife and I sat in our hot tub watching a total lunar eclipse and I asked, "I wonder what percentage of people have seen a total lunar eclipse?" We guessed 50% because half the people live in cities without a clear view of the night sky. Then I asked, "What percentage have watched one while in a hot tub?" We guessed less than 1%. Then my wife asked, "What percentage have watched a total eclipse in a hot tub while getting a blow job?" I hopped up on the rim of the tub and said, "I'll be the only one, darlin'!"


Would you feel more or less safe if every American walked around with a weapon that could blow up a bus?


And I say...

*That is a scene from a Godzilla movie.

It's actually been done more than once.


The girl lost consciousness and fell between the platform and the train. Her father jumped over her and covered her with his body.

*For a moment I thought that person's fingers were toes and about freaked.



If it weren't for masturbation I wouldn't get any exercise at all.


*I'm not sure I understand that.


Snakes deepthroat everything they eat.



Dr. Fitness - burgers and fries


Speaking of fast food juxtaposition...

They force those beasts to run past a place that serves their wives and mothers.


Many Asians are confused about the Americans' notion of "large"...

Also, the mascots don't translate well...


Think about how difficult it is to make the green on this hole.

And to add insult to injury they add TWO sand traps.

And I can only assume that when you do make it to the green you take a boat over to the island. But there are golfers on the green and there is no boat in sight. Does anybody know the story?


During all our trips out west, we drove down countless roads like this. We made it a habit to fill up anytime the tank reached half full. But what amazed me were the thousands of power poles that ran for many miles only to power a farm or ranch. Sometimes the poles only carried one or two wires.

How is that cost-effective?



Life will find a way...

Did you notice it is just a wall, not a whole building?


That reminds me of the time my scaffold fell over and was only held up by the wires and people walked under it just like those scooter drivers.


I think the eyes came after the fat-letter graffiti. Very few murals are defaced like that - it's like a law of the streets.


He borrowed from one of my favorite artists.

The Dance by Henri Matisse


*I almost put that in Puzzle Time.



If you are here for the yodeling lessons, please form an orderly orderly orderly queue.


*I don't get it.


They say the more people you see jogging in a neighborhood the more expensive property taxes will be…That’s why I never jog because I’m just a really really good neighbor.



They don't just harvest the longleaf pine roots that grow into their homes – they cultivate them.


^^D 2-3^^

Guess what this is.



I often think about the direction my art would have taken had I had a place to store all those hundreds of manikins I was once offered for free.


They put maximum load limits on trucks for a reason.



It's almost guaranteed that two players would team up on the third.


Sloths are cute and all, but once wet they turn into horrific undead jabberwocky creatures.


I know when I'm using my wheelchair I frequently find myself short of places to sit.

Of course, its true function is to deny the homeless a place off the ground to sleep.


Blue Monday, Cliff Warner (because)


How very wonderful.


A couple of genius dogs.


But what were they pulling on?

^^D 11-12^^






Would somebody please explain the who begot whom? Take as long as you need.


A perfect example of the old Walk It Off therapy.



Highlight between brackets for my answer:

[ It makes toilet paper commercials. ]


Anonymous said...

*I don't get it.
It's an identity lineup, one of the mammoths probably trampled or gored a human and the guy was a witness.

Anonymous said...

Actually he got trampled, look at his squashed concertina shape.

JNR said...

It wasn't cost effective. The big companies wouldn't do it.

So the local folks would form co-ops and do the work themselves. Forming what was known as Rural Electric Associations. REA's for short. The federal government recognized them and gave them a lower rate to charge.
A few years ago the big companies went after the REA's because the were allowed to charge a lower rate. Of course, now that the grunt work was done they wanted their piece of the pie.
There are a number of these REA's still operating in Eastern Montana. Maybe other places, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

C4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp9kdv4Nxsk

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C4 Anon, That still doesn't explain there being golfers on the green but no boat.

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