One Of My Very Own
That sort of "typo" happens too often to all be mistakes.
These devices are useless. When was the last time you went to investigate a car alarm? Me neither.
Since people with one or no testicles exist, anyone with two testicles technically has an above-average number of balls.
My proudest moment was going nude to a clothing-optional beach and didn't get a boner. But I understand they have pills for that now.
On Capitalism
*Look, this is as good a time as any to address a problem I'm having with quotes on the internet. I don't know who James Connolly is and I certainly don't know if that is his quote. But the words written are worth thinking about. If you have a problem with that then send me the corrections and I will try to post them.
*Verification Requested
NOTE: I am not saying I want Capitalism replaced. I am just saying that Capitalism has problems that need to be addressed.
Party Politics
“Stop the Steal” was deployed during the 2016 presidential election by Roger Stone - just in case Trump lost. Claiming fraud in defeat has always been in Trump's playbook.
But I am deeply dissatisfied with Biden and would have serious problems voting for him again.
Blind Faith
China while Pelosi is in Taiwan...
Several months ago I asked you to imagine how you would feel if at the end of the American Civil War all the Southern army sailed to, say, the US Virgin Islands and declared it their sovereign territory. And not only that but, say, Great Britain announced that if the USA attacked them, Britain would join the fight. Well, in my humble opinion, that is exactly what happened after the Chinese Civil War and now the US has pledged to join the fight if China tries to take back their land by force. I say that Taiwan IS NOT worth a conflict with China.
There's an outdoor party next door but judging by the mix of classic rock music they will probably wrap it up by ten.
*Did you notice the caption bubble is pointing to her shadow? What's that about?
Seriously, hear me out:
- A scholastic book fair
- For adults
- At a bar
Commodus looks higher than Willy Nelson.
Speaking of cultists...
20 years ago.
I always let them touch my massiveness through my pants before they looked at it.
There is NOTHING you could say to convince those people that they are wrong.
"Hi, I'm an experienced medical doctor, please take this vaccine that will keep you from dying."
"Well, I have never moved out of my hometown and I drive a delivery truck and I say I know as much as you do about vaccines."
Bullshit. There are perverts in any group.
I got most angry not at the priests who raped those boys but at the Catholic Church that covered it up.
Cat Buckaroo
On our road trips, we don't say "You missed the exit" we say "Where are we going now?"
When a person with a MAGA hat tells you they don't give a fuck what people think of them, you should 100% believe them.
Dolphin poo is the secret weapon for coral reef survival, says a groundbreaking new study.
Spinner dolphins, famous for their acrobatic marina displays, have some very special excrement. Their poo has “reef-enhancing nutrients”. Coral reefs are facing profound threats around the world, but this research has identified a clear ally for them.
The Mojave phone booth was a lone telephone that stood 12 miles from the nearest paved road in California's Mojave National Preserve. The booth was originally constructed in 1948 to accommodate local volcanic cylinder miners. The phone, although updated throughout the years, remained functioning until its removal in 2000. There is now a lovely tombstone decorated in ceramic tiles to honor the spot where this lonely phone booth once stood. Its coordinates are 35.285827°N 115.68463°W.
Amsterdam Mural
Good luck, America.
"Get off my lawn!"
If it works for casinos in international waters why not abortion?
Free? Why would there not be a fee to charge your car?
HAWAII, congratulations on having NO traitors running for re-election to the US House or Senate!
Avalanche in Kyrgyzstan
It looks like a big chunk of a glacier broke off.
I once had sex with a modern dancer. It was like trying to stand up in a hammock.
It's a little know fact that "k" is not short for "okay". It's actually short for "Fuck you".
*MNBT - unless maybe it just printed to look like a pocket.
I really like reusing like this...
Here's a reuse that just doesn't look all that comfortable...
I replaced all the cheap hollow interior doors in my house with old doors like this...but hung normally.
And they all have those classic glass door knobs. (The door above is not one of mine)
This is one of mine - drawers made of old drink crates.
BTW I did not make that I bought it.
Are you looking for the perfect gift for me?
Look no further.
My first graders made magnetic Christmas doodads for refrigerators and one little girl started crying because her refrigerator was wood.
Lost on her was that it probably cost ten times what mine cost.
My bedroom fan that's been running on high nonstop for 17 years...
I read that there are ceiling fans that have been operating for a hundred years. I think the reason is that it has a very large motor with very little load.
Might I suggest that all you girly men without beards wear one of those?

And that, Gentle Reader, is why you hire a competent graphic designer.

And if you think that crazy you ought to read the Bible.
Today's episode of
Lucky As A Two-Dicked Dog
Hell, I want to know who makes that goddamn indestructible ladder.
My wife when attempting ANY physical activity...
Get it?
*If you are getting tired of these types of puzzles that I've been posting then PLEASE send me some better ones. I really need your help. Just send me the site where you found them and I will do the rest.
1 comment:
Puzzle time: if you can't have an elf on a shelf, you can always settle for a Farley on a Harley.
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