One Of My Very Own
I thought about doing something special to celebrate my 500th post but then I realized that they are all me anyway.
Thank you, my friends. I appreciate you more than you will ever know...except for that one anti-science troll. Fuck him.
A couple of weeks ago I lamented over crippling inflation coupled with record corporate profits being a real problem. A commenter said I just didn't understand economics. I guess he's right.
I am 100% convinced that if the majority of Americans were taught from birth that cheese was God then they would believe it for the rest of their lives. It matters not what is being taught - but when. Most people's worldview is in lockstep with that of their parents. And I think this is a problem.
If you still think that racism has been eradicated in America then you need to talk to some black people.
It was just reported that a teenager was denied an abortion because she was too immature to make that decision. Think about that for a moment.
When I was teaching I witnessed students weeping uncontrollably because their mother had forgotten to give them their morning pill that would help them control their outbursts. I tried to get one child to calm down by assuring him everything would be okay but he wailed, "But I don't want to get in trouble."
I am not advocating more drugs to control children's behavior, but I have seen unmanageable children who couldn't even sit in a chair for more than a few minutes turned into a child who loved learning and flourished in school all because of that daily pill.
This man gives us his take on what is happening in Ukraine.
*Viewer contribution
In the 2016 presidential election, Trump won 304 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton's 227. During the joint session on January 6, 2017, seven House Democrats tried to object to electoral votes from multiple states.
*Viewer contribution
I moaned audibly when they did that and told my wife that the Republicans would do the same thing when they lost. I was proved right.
The Democratic Party is not flawless. I know that and you know that. But at least they are not batshit crazy. I ask only that when your guy does something, then ask yourself how you would feel about it if the other guy did the same thing. I can state unequivocally that if Joe Biden had called his supporters to Washington and then turned them loose on the vote counting I would turn on him with extreme prejudice.
You and sponges are both animals. That's basically all you've got in common.
Everybody you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Attack while they are distracted.
*Viewer contribution
What fun!
I would have knocked that motherfucker out for doing that to my baby.

By the way, did you notice that in all the mainstream religions all the gods are invisible? Think about that for a minute.
If there ever was a species imperative, having children is it. Just saying.
I will never see a reference to game shows that I won't think of my newly retired father screaming at stupid people on game shows.
Broom Game
It seems to me that it would increase your chances of winning to position your broom so that it falls over quickly.
Hand Dance
How much practice must that have taken?
I've eaten a ton of alligators. It was served in bite-size pieces like chicken nuggets. It was very good.
That picture reminds me of the time my school's PTA ordered a painting for the teacher's break room. So, I drove straight to the beach, got out of my car, walked over the dunes, and took a photograph that looked very much like this next one.
But the weird part was that my wife told me I hadn't had a day off in a year and demanded we take a vacation. She rented a house and the first time I walked out on the beach it was the exact location I had photographed for my painting.
I wonder if that painting is still in that break room.
Do you ever stop and look around and appreciate how lucky we are to live where we live?
This is where my grandson lives. Rosemary, thyme, basil, mint, and chives in view, tomatoes off camera. Playground within easy walking distance. His backyard abuts a huge federally protected section of pristine prairie.
And neither his parents nor granddad takes his circumstances for granted.
Mistake or not?
For whatever reason, when I was growing up all the picnic tables were made of redwood and I'm not sure why.
This took me much longer than it should have.
I'm assuming a storage facility.
I think it would be a good idea to have small two-wheeled utility trailers for scooters for rent all over cities with a plethora of scooters.
Eagle Rescue
It was stated that this guy drives his Formula One racer on the highway every few days.
Hamburger Helper only works if the hamburger is ready to accept that it needs help.
Those loony Christian signs listing all the types of sinners who will go to hell (abortionists, Satanists, gamblers, fornicators, etc) always make me feel bad because I know I'd fall under a lot more categories if I just got out more.
I had to look it up:
Cat scratch disease (CSD) is a bacterial infection spread by cats. The disease spreads when an infected cat licks a person's open wound, or bites or scratches a person hard enough to break the surface of the skin. In the U.S. 22,000 people are infected every year.
*Just another reason to hate cats.
The Tesla and the buggy.
I thought maybe they were old missile silos but they are grain silos.
Sunken Treasure while scuba diving.
Guess what's going on here.
Fatigue test actuators in action on a wind turbine blade.
In tests, fabimycin had an effect on more than 300 types of drug-resistant bacteria. What's more, it was shown to reduce levels of harmful bacteria with pneumonia or urinary tract infections to where they were pre-infection.
Roadside Maintenance
Monarch butterflies are now on the endangered species list. Plant milkweed if you can!
If I could offer one piece of advice in photography it is to get the camera down to the level of the action.
How long will it take you to spot the extreme oddness?
Not such a great image but it's a hell of a segue.
Each year in the U.S. 16 people are attacked by sharks, but 6000 are attacked by goats. We don't need shark week, we need goat week.
Many people spend 40+ hours a week with people who make them feel angry just so they can afford to survive - just work and sleep but never having any money and constantly being tired of suppressing their rage. Have a nice day.
Think about how hard it is to come up with new material for cartoons when you view these. They all deal with aliens but in many different ways.
*They had a cat. I added Trump.
*I have no idea what that means, I just liked his face.

Puzzle Time ....... Nunchucks. An oldie, but goodie.
Puzzle time: travel size nunchucks
In reference to the F series of alien comics.
check out nathan pyle strange planet
C5: Like cedar and teak it has good resistance to weather and deterioration.
^^D7^^ Fabimycin sounds cool and all, but the article didn't mention anything about side-effects.
Dear billr, Not to be flippant about it, but the side effects of not taking it might be death, so...
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