About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 3, 2022


One Of My Very Own

"Well, good luck."

"I ran out of that too."


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I know I'm going to feel like an idiot when it is explained but I don't get that and I don't like not getting things.



I feel sorry for people who think the only way for them to raise themselves up is to knock someone else down.


Except for artists. We would make art in a cave hiding from the roaming hordes trying to steal the Denny Moore beef stew I made my wife buy in bulk.




If we reminded children that each day brings them closer to death do you think it would depress the shit out of them or motivate them to use the time they have wisely?





Few people ever bother to ask why. Why do I have to spend a fortune on a white wedding dress? Why do I have to wear a tie? Why do we render vast acreage useless by burying people there? Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.


They saved money by not having to print another sign.



But remember the quality of the mask matters. But I'm a gambler. My job is to cut down on the odds that I will get covid. Let's just say that the masks cut my risks by, say, 20%. I'm in! Then you add in vaccines that save another percentage and social distancing and my odds are pretty damn low of getting the disease. Not 100%, but a large enough percentage to be well worth my effort.


*Not all Republicans fit those descriptions, but everyone who fits those descriptions are Republicans.



I say there's a pretty good chance Kid Rock has seen the nuclear codes.


Women who have C Sections aren't real moms. Their babies? Not real. Made of pizza. Democrat pizza. Learn this and so much more by staying tuned to Folio Olio.



I seem to remember that people with giantism suffer because not all their body parts grow at the same rate. For instance, his too-small heart may have trouble pumping blood over such distances.



Larimar is a rare blue variety of the silicate mineral pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic.

*Viewer contribution

How in the world does a mineral only appear in one small place on Earth?


When the State Museum was being built in my hometown, they hired several of my artist friends. One of the exhibits featured the South Carolinian Charles Duke's space suit he wore on the moon. It came in a crate within create within a crate then many layers of protective coverings. On EACH layer were multiple signs that read:


Apparently, a suit was given to another museum and they cleaned all the moon dust off the thing.


There's a very special and very rare group of dogs known as Gifted Word Learners by researchers, and they have a particular talent: being able to learn the names of multiple toys.  In an analysis of 21 gifted dogs and 144 typical dogs that don't have the unusual ability to learn multiple object names, it was found that the gifted dogs were rated by their owners as more playful than the other dogs.


My brother had a very smart down that would fetch any toy in its basket by name. Then one day my brother bought the dog a stuffed frog and instructed the dog to fetch the frog - even though the dog had never been taught that it was a frog. So, the dog knocked over the basket and after nosing around the other toys for a while brought my brother the frog. My brother is convinced that after analyzing all the other choices, the dog knew by process of elimination that the only toy it couldn't name must be the frog.



Some good Christian values...

Just kidding, those are the tenets of the Satanic Temple. Most Christians couldn't get past #I.

#V is my favorite.

I used to not be alarmed about climate change figuring ice ages come and go, etc.

I thought the vaccines may have been rushed until my doctor explained the technique they used.

I even thought Socialism was the same as Communism.

And in my youth, I was taught that black people were inferior to white people.

I was also taught that two of every animal on Earth fit into one boat. 

I overcame my ignorance was seeking out people who knew much more about the subject than I could ever hope to learn. 


The "Love they neighbor as thyself" Christians would burn that place down if it appeared in their neighborhood.



That's fucking terrifying.


That's a very good illustration of what causes flash floods.


Blind Runner


The New Zealand Ministry of Health's ad for Hepatitis C testing.



If you step on a person's foot they open their mouths just like a trash can.


My wife has a whole case of emotional support peanut M&Ms.



I would love to hear that guy's conversation with his insurance agent.

I was once told that if there was no deer hunting in South Carolina, the deer would overrun the cities eating everything in sight. The road hazards they would cause would be staggering.


I'm not falling for that again.


Snowploughs cut through a 3m (10ft) wall of snow to clear a mountain road in Norway

Did you notice the massive collapse? What keeps it from doing that when cars are allowed on it? Also, how do they even know where the highway is?


Diaz must have won the bet.


Have you ever asked yourself what you are willing to do to lessen the chances of a child being murdered in their classroom? And I don't mean reducing the chances to 0%. What if we - you and me - could do something to lessen the number by, say, 40%? Well, Clinton banned assault rifles and there was a reduction.


When things are going poorly but you keep chugging along...

*Those are some ultra-red flames.


Hobbled cars defeated by road

I have never heard the term Hobbled Cars before. I looked it up and the only references were of that clip I just showed you. Do any of you know any more about it?


True Cutting Tutorial

And that, Gentle Reader, is why professional lumberjacks run away from a falling tree.


That was too long and I had to shorten it. In so doing, the dramatic ending was reduced to only two frames - too fast to appreciate. Here's how it ends...



"I'm going to put this somewhere safe" is an ancient incantation that opens a portal to a random point in another timeline through which all safely kept things trouble never to be seen again.


Try heading emails with:

To whom it WILL concern.



As I understand it, they are coming out with a new one.


If it works it's not stupid.


When we were in graduate school, my dear friend Zach made a portable bus stop indicator out of a 4x4.

He had BUS STOP painted on the sides and had a handle for toting. The first time he used it a bus stopped and he got on carrying the post.


As you can probably tell by the number of times I mention them, I truly regret not taking all those manikins I was offered.

Equally rueful is the authentic Cheyenne death rattle that the guy wanted $125 for. And I had the cash in my pocket and chose unwisely not to buy it.

I also once owned a Sousaphone and had to sell it when we had a severe financial downturn. I really regret I didn't ask a friend to buy it so that one day I could maybe buy it back.

I did manage to keep the case the Sousaphone came in.

We use it as a corner table to display art...among other things.


They have picked up some bad...habits.


I really like the tension caused by works like that.


I guess places with very few animals have to make their shoes out of what's available.


I have a British friend that sends me some of his photoshop work and I am thrilled when I see the same piece on another much more popular site than my own.


It's called "Painterly" when you show the viewer every brushstroke and I like it.




I've shown you that before but this time I noticed he's actually pretty damn good at it. Imagine trying to attack that guy in ninja mode.



Where they originated


His wife warned him.







Fardygardy said...

"You took the words right out of my mouth"

Anonymous said...

B3: Just one meteorite or asteroid from planet Pectolite.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: putting words in someone's mouth

Anonymous said...


From the movie My Girl. He got stung by bees!

Anonymous said...

B7: “I overcame my ignorance was seeking out SOME people who knew much more about the subject than I could ever hope to learn.” Add “some”.
Add this to the list of effective drugs banned by the Democrats.

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