One Of My Very Own
Before I was allowed near nuclear weapons, two FBI agents spent three days interviewing my friends, teachers, employers, and neighbors. All of those people thought I was in big trouble because the FBI didn't tell them why they were asking so many questions.
Do Trump supporters not see the illogic?
I ran across these questions to ask a person if you want to get to know them quickly. Many of them are very good.
Many more questions and other goodies here:
No matter how much you tip it will never absolve you of the sin of being a customer.
I remember when we taught our daughters that we had real names other than Mommie and Daddy and there is nothing funnier than a toddler turning to her mother and saying, "Leave me alone, Rachel."
Those three little words...
Daydrinking and tacos.
I'm not a fan of really drunk women.
Man hits 3 people with a single shot fired through his own leg, making him America's most efficient mass shooter.
Did you notice the use of the name "Lovejoy" - my favorite name?
I would blame the person who designed a shelve to slant away from the wall...then I would throw something in frustration.
Lest we forget...
I do, in fact, give a shit. I have hung out with young people all my life and when I look around I feel sorry for them. The rules have changed and many of them are fucked through no fault of their own.
A family of Hindus bought the gas station/convenience store near my house. They sell bananas and when they get a little over-ripe they give them to a neighbor who makes banana bread that she shares with anyone who wants some.
The Hindus call my wife "Grandmother" which I understand is a term of great respect. When I go into their store they say, "You there, homeless person, you got money to buy something?"
I don't really know what I'm feeling but there sure is a lot of it.
I don't know who needs to hear this but rocks don't have magical powers.
Which is the most repulsive?
Things that could never happen...
The creation of that breed is one of the cruelest things humans have ever done.
I finally had to throw out one of my work shirts.
I could deal with the holes and frayed collar but the hole in the pocket was just too much.
My wife and I found this classic kitsch object at a garage sale.
I was impressed because it was in perfect condition without a single chipped shell.
In the same bathroom as the shell mirror, I have a little piece by a woman that worked on almost all of my murals. Her name is Ann and I will forever be in her debt.
One of the oldest visual gags on the internet.
Boston has a plethora of statues like this.
If American politics was a scented candle...
It's important to have a dream to work toward.
Hear me out: I think the reason I am disappointed in computer-generated images as opposed to normal photographs is the same as when a musician lip-syncs their music during a performance. It's just not the same thrill.
Snoring is so messed up. Like, someone is basically having trouble breathing and instead of helping them you are like, "FUCK YOU!"
I think my wife cuts her hair just so she can say "I miss my long hair" for the next 8 months.
Drought exposes WWII warship wrecks in the Danube river.
In Serbia, due to the particularly low water level in the Danube, the wrecks of old warships from World War II come to light. The low water level of the Danube was caused by the extremely dry and hot summer. The ships date from 1944 when Soviet troops pushed back the Nazi Black Sea Fleet and forced them to retreat. The Nazis, therefore, sank hundreds of their ships in the Danube, which still have ammunition and explosives on board today.
This was me when my very smart 12-year-old daughter brought home her math homework and there were many symbols I had never seen before.
Think of that first early hominoid who discovered that.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration released two new images of Jupiter from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope that showcase the planet's features in detail. The images were captured by the telescope's near-infrared camera, which uses infrared radiation to detect objects in space.

I don't often talk about my ex-wife, but it can't be helped this time.
As a child, she read that we need to chew each bite of food 40 times. And she did it religiously, even in restaurants with young children who finished their meal a long ago. I used to take them outside and explore while she finished her 40 chew ritual.
Try chewing a bite 40 times to demonstrate how ridiculous it is. In my opinion, it's just another example of "I've always done it that way."
As stated many times, "Truth is the first casualty of war." I have no idea whether that footage is accurate.
*Verification Requested
NASA Unveils Candidate Landing Sites for Artemis Astronauts
When humans return to the moon, they’ll likely visit one of these thirteen regions near the moon’s south pole.

That dog would catch him in no time.

Christianity promises something similar.
Acts 4:30, John 4:48, Matthew 17:20, Acts 3:16, Mark 16:17, John 14:12, Psalm 77:14, Mark 9:23
A restaurant opened in our old train station and on their opening night I sat on the patio and watched that happen to a half dozen cars.

I've seen my wife do that...of course, she didn't do it on purpose.
I still think you should have some comments which are critical of Islam. Christianity is too easy a target.
puzzle time: Mar
C1: My mother used to make us peanut butter and dill pickle slice sandwiches and we loved them. Cheap snack.
Dear Raul, Did she spend much time in prison?
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