About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 10, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




















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How they got there...











*To be fair if you're an adult wearing a diaper a little leniency would be nice.


How drunk do you have to be?



That's true. My first encounter was terrifying.



Sounds rather threatening, doesn't it?


Odysseus returns to Ithaca. 


Who cleans up after Spiderman?


I blame shit like that on avocado toast consumption.















It looks like she bet on the other team.













All joking aside, she did her job.



Teach a man to fish and he'll turn around and try to teach you to fish like he invented it and you're an idiot.


I watch movies while I work and sometimes the show is too good. I need something I can watch with 30% of my brain and anything over a 60% brain requirement is a no-go.



Wouldn't that make him king of England?

Any reason why the history teacher had his DNA on file?

Why did they make Cheddar Man look like a very proud mother who is also miserably sweaty?


Anything punishable by a fine is legal for rich people.



Only in America.


That's exceedingly sad.


My wife and I use Amazon because we want to give our credit card info to as few people as possible.


Who the hell WON'T like lingerie cosplay?!?!

Speaking of...

Can we please just stop with the strings covering up our privates and just go nude?


I call this the "trailing edge", opposing ANY change because you're a whiney little bitch.


Solar Panel Cleaning

I had a solar panel company evaluate my house and I have too many trees for them to be effective. But I never considered the maintenance nightmare of having to clean them.



My wife once went to one of those wine and paint nights and the instructor took one look at her work and said, "Wow, look at you, you are 

really good at wine."


OJ was innocent in the exact same way Trump is innocent. Both sets of people want it to be true.



An image capable of revealing millions of years of world history.


Drought in Texas dried up a river flowing through Dinosaur Valley State Park, exposing tracks from giant reptiles that lived some 113 million years ago.


Guess what.

That's how they install offshore wind turbines.

Here's the procedure.



The sharp edges on the ends of the bone must make it sensitive. My wife has screws in her ankle and the ends of them bulging under the skin are very sensitive. I wonder why they can install rubber cushions on the ends.


  • Specie: Cabot's Tragopan
  • Sex: Male. Cabot's tragopan is a pheasant found in southeast China.  The IUCN has assessed it as being a "vulnerable species".
  • ^^C6^^


Floating Floor

Is that a real wooden floor or is it linoleum that looks like wood?



My wife just insisted that I remember a codeword in case I'm ever confronted by her clone or a cyborg doppelgänger and I'm not sure which is the real her and which is the imposter.


Ladies, don't be a replacement for his mother. Be a replacement for the thing under his bed that he was afraid of is a child – mysterious, elusive, and probably from a hell dimension.



Mortar base plate bearing the recoil force.

"Your hearing loss is not service related." -VA

Imagine is résumé: Laying ay on the ground and holding the mortar legs.



Apparently, that wasn't a load-bearing glitch.


That is what happens when people grow up without watching the movie Final Destination.


Speaking of...


One of the finest examples of situational awareness I've ever seen.


I was going to point out that the light was red but then there were comments that it was faked.


This reminds me of Jack Nicholson getting psyched up for his bathroom scene in The Shining.

Then he jacked it up a notch...


I heard a story about the guy.

He lived out in the country and painted for a year. Then he made appointments with gallery reps, loaded all of his paintings in a rental truck, drove to New York City, and had his work evaluated. After being rejected, he went back to his studio, completely changed his style, and then duplicated his search for a galley. It took him several years until he settled on enlarging comic book panels complete with the dot printing method. A gallery liked them and as they say, the rest is history.

That story rubbed some of us art students the wrong way.

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Canyon Antics


Somebody's aunties going wild.

Where was the kaboom? I was expecting an earth-shattering kaboom.


Street Vendor



*Verification Requested



Little Timmy: "The other priest fucked me in the ass again, Father."

Priest: "Say three Hail Marys and don't tell anyone."


You might want to watch that with sound...



What is this...exactly?



Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time..... Baby Shoes.

Anonymous said...

A2: That is an old photo of the Dugger Family. they have 19 kids now.

Anonymous said...

c2: I've been to Dinosaur Valley State park many times. Those footprints have always been there visible to the naked eye, but they were about a foot under the water (I have photos of my kids feet next to them). This is just the first time in memory that they are "dry".

Anonymous said...

Regarding the News from the front.
Dear Ralph, I appreciate your support of Ukraine. Also I believe that you are one of the smartest people on the Internet (according to my weird standards). Therefore, I want to share something with you, maybe it will change your mind eventually.

Zelensky (the current Ukrainian president) is pro-Russian traitor. Basically he is our own version of Trump. I know it is hard to believe and you don't have to. I just want that when it will become clear to everyone you can say that this information was on your blog a while ago already.

BTW, the main reason why Ukrainian forces are so successful on the front now, is that the whole operation is kept in secret from Zelensky and his team. Which is sick, because according to Ukrainian Constitution our president is the highest chief military commander (this is my translation, I don't think that you have similar position in your political system). In other words: we are fighting against Russia with a pro-Russian traitor leading us. I call it "idiocy and courage".
You see, I don't put any smilies here, meaning that I'm 100% very serious now.


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