One Of My Very Own
We saw what happens when you put this abortion ban nonsense up for a vote. Now let's hope it carries over to the November elections to oust the perpetrators.
My biggest worry.
This is an estimate of the areas in the U.S. that will suffer from severe heat.
Several times I have lamented over the possibility of a drought in the American mid-west where all the food is grown. If that projection proves accurate then the world will starve. And desperate people do desperate things.
I say that when the government sets up bread lines to keep us from starving it would only be fair that the climate change deniers should be last in line - every fucking time.
When my daughter became extremely frustrated she would throw the toy she was having trouble manipulating and look at me for assistance. I NEVER helped her. I would just shrug as if I didn't know how to get the square peg in the proper hole either.
I strongly suggest that frustration is absolutely necessary for growth in many areas. Please, don't think you are doing your child any favors by sheltering them from frustration.
A couple of days ago my wife asked me if it was safe for her to shower in the middle of a thunderstorm. I used my old risk assessment fallback - have you ever heard of anyone being harmed by it? She hadn't and I hadn't.
But there is a risk - slight, but still present. So, why not just delay your shower and avoid all risks?
There exists a timeframe where digging up graves goes from creepy to archeology.
I wonder if before a golden shower anyone ever said, "Urine for a real treat."
-some old some new-
I am astonished at how productive I have been of late. I've thought about it a lot and have concluded that it is partially due to my newfound sobriety.
I received a call from a Doc-in-a-box about the care I had received during my last visit. I told them that the nice doctor had saved my life. The pollster seemed overjoyed so I explained that I went there with severe stomach pain and within 15 minutes the doctor told me that she wanted to call an ambulance but if my wife promised to drive me straight to the emergency room she would allow it. The next day they removed my blackened gall bladder.
And interestingly, my daughter was working in the hospital's lab when my gall bladder arrived for evaluation, thus, I know it was blackened.
I will state AGAIN - there MUST be a better way to surface roads.
I can't stress enough the importance of being respectful of all wait staff or you WILL end up with surprises in your food.
Museum of Expired Technology
Did you notice the picture on the wall?
Is there any legitimate reason to do that?
The guy that posted that on the site from which I stole it says it was the funniest thing he has ever seen. I don't get it. Anybody?
I found this on the floor of my home. I asked my wife what it was and she didn't know. She suggested that I ask the internet, so...what the fuck is this?
Frolicking Hippo
The whale is the hippo's closest living relative...or so I'm told.
Elephant Lesson
Robot Terror
Dear Marvel Studios, Please introduce a superhero who gains power by eating their parents' healthy homemade meals.
- Parents everywhere
Money might not bring you happiness but it doesn't automatically depress you either.
Ladies, please don't do that.
He's using animal shapes as targets which makes sense when you consider that you not only want to hit it, but you want to hit it in the heart so the wounded beast doesn't run off with your arrow and die far away from you.
That would probably be funnier if I knew what those canisters are. Anybody?
My brother and I only turned our BB guns toward one another one time. But one time was enough.
It's difficult to see in that photo but scar tissue grew across my pupil splitting it in half. I can see through both holes.
This picture I found online shows it better.
The arrow was a nice touch.
Here's what they look like today.
Several weeks ago I posted either that or something just like it while it was being tested and I wondered if it had a motor to move it. Now I see that her arms are not in her sleeves but rather inside the wings.
Germans do that. But it's because their ones look like their sevens without the slash.
The kid can see where they have been and where they are going. I see nothing wrong with it.
I knew I was old when I realized I wanted a Chair Lift.
The happiest part of any fireman's day has to be smashing the windows of idiots who park next to fire hydrants.
That's some Final Destination shit right there.
I've noticed that people seem to fall in the water much more often than they fall on the land.
Find the Duck
An Unusual Piñata Idea
First I made a form of the sides so the sizes would be consistent.
I made a jig to cut the pieces at equal lengths very quickly.
I made the framework out of the same lath pieces that I used as siding. I made special joints that I call overlap joints to increase strength.
These images were taken before they were glued and screwed.
When the back, front, and ends were complete I screwed them all together to make the frame. I used plywood for the bottom.
I made a form for the top and made it just like I did the sides.
Then all I had to do is add the laths as siding.
I designed it to show all the overlap joints because I really like them.
I put my leather fact plate on the inside of the lid. Note that the "T" looks odd. That's because I lost it and have to use an "I" stamped vertically and horizontally.
After four coats of Spar Varnish and a chain to control the lid, it was finished. And I like it very much.
The discarded laths that I used were very difficult to work with as the width and thicknesses vary from piece to piece. But when using junk wood it's much easier to forgive the occasional error.
I then used the scraps from the big box to make a small box.
I alternated the overlap of the slats to mimic a dovetail joint and I wish I had done that on the big box.
---And here is what's left of all those huge stacks of 5' wood I hauled off the side of the road.
I put the new box on the back of my toilet to hold...stuff.
How long will it take for you to find the errors in these photoshops?
I almost missed that lady's hand down the kid's pants in D3.

In America, there would be a team of lawyers camped out there to sign people up for lawsuits.

What is this?
That was so awful I offer oddness that is a little more subtle.
C5: those canisters are nitrous oxide (N2O).
The device he is sucking on is used to make whipped cream. A N2O canister is inserted into the apparatus on the top as part of the ingredients for the whipped cream.
Everyone in the restaurant business knows that they keep those canisters locked up, because the kitchen helps sucks on them all day long if they can.
B12- that’s a juul pod (menthol flavor)
C5- whippets (NO2)
Public Service Announcement from above: If you include all of the Canadian border from east to west you will find that 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the border.
This has nothing to do with wanting to be close to the good ole USA though. It has everything to do with climate. 80% of Canada's land mass in uninhabitable.
C3: Is that a baby on his back?
B-12 - JUUL Vape Pod System. One of the vape pods.
Dear C5 Anon, Thank you very much. I had no idea - none of the restaurants in which I worked were fancy enough to serve whipped cream.
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