About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






I actually had a commenter tell me that tattoos make women ugly.


One of the surest ways to find out if you are being scammed is when you are discouraged from asking questions.

For example: Did the above happen? And during the Rapture, you AND your body go up to heaven even though your body isn't necessary. I mean, grandma didn't take her body because her ashes are on the mantle.

Then there's this guy...

Hearing that, your crap detector justifiably goes off but reading something similar in a 2000-year-old book and you believe it.


Solving problems for ordinary Americans is now called "buying votes". Okay.


Does anyone remember when the Russian mothers went to Afghanistan to bring their sons home? I wonder how many more sons have to come home in body bags before they do that in Ukraine.

The latest Ukrainian advances have resulted in them having MORE armor than before they started. The Russians simply ran away. Putin's days are numbered...I hope.




Advice from an old man.


The common thread is action. Don't be afraid to get tired and don't be afraid to fail. Memories are made of actions. Regrets are made of idleness.


 *Viewer contribution

Here's the song in question:




All children reach that age when their parents hope the kid's sass will help them lead a company and not a gang in prison.


I read online that the average person swallows 43 copies of Shrek 3 in their sleep every year.



A labor of love, I'm sure.


A method to her madness.


Iridescent pileus cloud


The hexagonal town, in the province of Catania, Italy, 

was founded in 1693

Grammichele is a medieval tiny village located in the charming province of Catania. The village of Grammichele was founded by Prince Carlo Maria Branciforti who rebuilt the old town center with a particular hexagonal plan after it was completely destroyed by the 1693 earthquake of Val di Noto.

My city of Columbia, SC was laid out in almost a perfect grid.

But then the stupid bastards named every street and used no numbers so that you have to memorize THE ENTIRE MAP to find your way around town.


Someone expressed doubt that if I still waxed my mustache you could see the tips from behind me. I assure you it's true.

Just like God designed.


These people brought bagged spaghetti to a ballgame. 

And by the way they are holding it, they don't care about being caught.


That will surely get your attention.


Dogs are natural comedians.


"Can't today we're moving. How about tomorrow?"



They should appoint Hillary Clinton as special master to review Trump's Mar-a-Lago documents. She already has the security clearance necessary.


If HBO wants me to watch a Game of Thrones spin-off, I want a personal apology for season 8 - 25 pt font, double spaced, no funny business on the margins.






I'm very forgiving about such things. We all have better things to do than assuring perfection.



I got a new mask for my wife and I's Furries Night.

And don't think people haven't noticed...


Walken at his best.

*Viewer contribution

I think that scene where he does all those flips was performed by a stuntman.



If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to see it, my neighbor's dog 500 miles away will bark at it.


My worst nightmare is Spotify randomly throwing out an Elvis song while I'm driving and then I crash and die but it keeps playing so the first responders think I was an Elvis fan and they tell my wife and I end up being cremated to fucking Jailhouse Rock.



West Germans bring food and drink to East German border guards after the fall of the Berlin Wall, in 1989

"Mr. Gorbechov, bring down this wall!"

And...he did.


It's nice to have a gimmick. I once paid too much for mediocre food because the restaurant was in an old jail and our table was in a cell. It was in a town that had legal prostitution and something funny happened. As the waitress stood beside the table jotting down our orders, my wife ordered the exact same thing that I ordered. I laughed loudly and said to the waitress, "That's the first time we have agreed on anything since I drug her ass out of that brothel back in '85!"


Yes, they will herd anything.


I'm the uncle who made all the kids' ankle bracelets like that out of holy moleys.


I always watch in awe. 

And to think that any shape that you can press into sand can be cast the same way.


I had one of those in the Air Force. We had an inspection every week and the sharpest troop got a weekend pass. I wanted my shirt pockets to remain starched flat so I kept my cigarettes around my ankle.


What an excellent idea. Think of all the space under bridges and they already have a roof.


That problem could be solved if we did it like they do in Europe, where the larger the denomination the larger the size of the bill.


The power may be increased but wouldn't it have a problem with the head twisting sideways?

These hammers seem much more reliable.


So, you make your way to the pillbox and toss a grenade in what you thought was the air intake...

Said to be Omaha Beach.



It must be hard to be goth in this damn heat.


It's time that we hold Ryan Gosling accountable for what he's done to us.




How not to remove a hornet's nest...




When I saw it I borrowed my wife's camera. I turned off the flash as two dozen signs instructed but what I didn't know was with that camera you had to turn off the flash EVERY TIME you wanted to take a picture. The second click and the flashed boomed and a dozen uniformed and plainclothes officials were all over me. I thought I was going to get arrested but my wife intervened.


I'm not a hygiene nut but they could have at least cleaned their toenails before posting a photo for the world to judge.


One can only imagine how many times that happened before he reached this point. Or he faked it for the video.


A classic case of 'I know a guy who can do it much cheaper'...



Not one, but TWO!


Mountain Path

Did you notice how dangerous it is?



It could also be used as a lunging weapon.








Anonymous said...

When they point out a typo or to a minor mistake in my non-trivial arguments I use the following quote (I believe it's from The Bible):

"When a finger is pointing at the sky only the fool stares at the finger"

BTW, this quote is also applicable to the people who newer cared to understand The Bible, finding reasons not to do so in minor (comparing to the hidden senses) inconsistencies in it.

Do you see what I did here? ;-)

Borys (the theoretical guy)

Anonymous said...

A3..... your other commenter was right. Covering a woman's body (which is beautiful) with tattoos is ugly. Go paint graffiti on any Greek or Roman statue and see how horrid that looks. Btw, I'm a woman.

Anonymous said...

D8: The bureau of engraving and printing (BEP) has been exploring currency options for several years now. They're in direct violation of the 2010 ADA DOJ ruling.
Basically, the US government is breaking their own Americans with disability act law.
The problem is it is enormously expensive to redesign, print, circulate, and remove current currency from circulation.
The BEP provides for free currency reader to anyone who wants one, and also has a phone app that will speak the currency denomination using the camera. This is how the BEP is currently getting around the ADA ruling.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A3 Anon, I'm interested to know how you feel about taking that same Greek statue and putting a wig on its head, painting the toenails, fingernails, and lips, mascara, powdered face, etc. And please don't use the permanence argument because if you apply, say, lipstick every single day then it is permanent also.

Anonymous said...

Ralph, are you trying to mansplain make-up to me? The only permanent make-up is when women tattoo eyeliner or eyebrows on their face which I also think is a mistake. I have never seen a woman's lips become a permanent color from wearing lipstick. If they do, they better check the ingredients in the lipstick asap. Make-up is for enhancing one's looks and is not permanent. Tattoos are permanent and need maintenance or they become faded and well, dirty looking. I've seen women (and men) with stunning bodies (from what I can tell) that are covered up with Tats. How can you see the beautiful shape of a woman's legs if she has them covered up with Tats? Or the people with little random Tats who look like a desk in a school's detention room. A small Tat correctly placed looks ok. I've even considered putting a small Hummingbird on my ankle. Covering the body with Tats you pick out of an artist's binder to be different just makes you look like everyone else. So rebellious and unique? Nah. I'm actually a very open minded person with liberal views. This is just my opinion.

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