One Of My Very Own
You should write down your standards, values, and principles with an emphasis on what behavior you simply will not tolerate. If you had done this a year ago when I first asked you to, I bet storing top secret documents in a semi-public hallway thus violating a law HE SIGNED would be on your list.
Where does a mansplainer get his water? From a well, actually.
When homosexuality was classified as an illness in Sweden, Swedes protested by calling in sick to work claiming they felt gay.
Please consider that in the spectrum of weapons with a wooden club on one end and a fully functional hydrogen bomb on the other end, we have all drawn a line indicating what weapons should and should not be allowed. All some of us are asking is that we deny the school shooters their weapon of choice. Will it end school shootings? Of course not. Could it reduce them? Let's find out.
The Sorting Hat: *barely touches my wife's head for half a second* THERAPY!
My wife thought a cousin twice removed must have done some fucked up shit to get kicked out of the family twice.
I hate everything about laundromats: the lighting, uncomfortable seats, sounds, smells, and everyone wearing their worse clothes. And everyone there is pissed off that they are too poor to buy a washer/dryer.
My wife and I eat takeout every day and I've made an observation. Every single restaurant gives us napkins except the food that is made to eat with your hands - pizza.
His fingers get very close to the blades.
Does anyone know what that is?
Whatever they are attempting to do was not very well thought out.
That rolls remarkably easily.
With these gas prices, arson’s sure not the cheap thrill it used to be.
I’m listening, but this 5-year-olds ‘polka-dotted dinosaur astronaut’ story better have a point.
The paddles don't seem to be deep enough in the water to reach that speed. Anybody?
A 1938 Dymaxion
The Dymaxion's aerodynamic bodywork was designed by Buckminster Fuller for increased fuel efficiency and top speed, and its platform featured a lightweight hinged chassis, rear-mounted V8 engine, front-wheel drive, and three wheels.
I assume he has to plan his route carefully to avoid speed bumps.
We haven't seen one of these in a while...
I finally figured out why the neighbor’s house is always so clean:
My wife doesn't live there.
Hellocination: when you wave at someone thinking they waved at you, but they were waving to someone else.
I'm assuming it has something to do with ringing bells.
Read his shirt.
They have no way of knowing how large the chasm is.
People have been telling her that her knees look like trapped baby she did this!
In Japan, a delivery man delivered a pizza to Mount Fujiyama
A mountaineer decided to see if he could get his munchies straight to the top of the mountain, and some reckless courier went along with it. It took a whole five hours to deliver the pizza and cost the mountaineer $962.
And no napkins.

Go back and look at his post-collision expression.
Wait for it...
It's a bird!
^^C8^^ It's on tracks.
Pheasant - Fez Ant
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