Why wasn't he disqualified?
NOTE: I always try to write in New Times Roman. If something was written by someone I copied off the internet I try to use Arial.
Not me. I want my heirs to sort through my shit and whisper, "Holy shit, look at this, and this, and, oh my god, THIS!" And then they touch something I have made and know they want to have it in their lives forever.
"He made a lot more than money."
I've never dated a girl with an ankle monitor but I have dated quite a few who should have had one.
My father dated one of Scarlett O'Hara's sisters.
New all-time record set at this year's World Cup
"There were no arrests among fans of England or Wales at the World Cup in Qatar, according to the UK's football policing lead. Chief Constable Mark Roberts of Cheshire Police has said it's the first time that no fans from the UK were arrested at a World Cup.
The first World Cup with no British arrests is also the first World Cup without free-flowing alcohol. Alcohol is typically only available in Qatar at licensed hotel bars and restaurants... Roberts wouldn't fully concede the lack of arrests was due to the lack of alcohol, but he was at least willing to suggest that there may, in fact, be a connection."
Ass Shaming.
Just another reason to hate those silly places where they throw food at you like you are a seal.
"How did your die and leave you a widow to raise your four children alone?"
"Daring to break every prime directive of his entire species."
Which translates: Being the stupidest motherfucker ever caught on film.
If weed can damage your short-term memory imagine the damage weed can do.
I noticed that the Check Engine light was on in my wife's car and asked how long it had been that way and she said, "2016".
I had driven that street a thousand times and never seen anything like that. I steered clear as far as I could.
I'm not so sure it's a different color so much as being slightly lighter.
I couple of cartoons I don't get and need your help with.
No state should be burdened with coping with illegal immigrants or people seeking asylum. That is a federal matter. They should send in federal troops or whatever it takes to get control.
It's actually a prop that is used in countless TV shows and movies.
At Kazungula, the territories of four countries (Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Namibia) come close to meeting at a quadripoint. It has now been agreed that the international boundaries contain two tripoints joined by a short line roughly 150 meters (490 ft) long forming a boundary between Zambia and Botswana, now crossed by the Kazungula Bridge. The ever-shifting river channels and the lack of any known agreements addressing the issue before 2000 led to some uncertainty in the past as to whether or not a quadripoint legally existed.
That seemed to have happened much too easily. There's a David and Goliath joke in there somewhere.
That reminds me of the F104s taking off from my airbase and then going straight up out of sight. The 104s had more thrust than body weight.
What a prick.
Dolphin Encounter
I bet neither species ever forgets that encounter.
Razing Machine
It needs to be painted like a dinosaur.
Line Gun
Before the movie starts, it's just 50 people sitting in the dark eating corn.
My wife and I like to park outside Walmart and try to guess who has someone locked in their basement.
Any time I want my daughter to do something for me I threaten to buy my grandson one of those.
My neighbor's kid wandered into my garden...
One Leg Costumes
We Will Rock You

*Not ALL conservatives.

What do you get when you cross an Eskimo, a hooker, and a Tesla located in North Dakota during the winter?
A snow blower that doesn't work.
2 things
i'm pretty sure people in the medieval era were on all kinds of messed up plant-drug, they were openly drinking mercury back then and wine from lead cups etc and don't forget the french with 'the green fairy' liquor
and 2! not that i mind the girls laying there with the booties, but what is the point of that exercise - show off the toned glutes?
First one is a double entendre : Hare and pheasant are “Game”
Second one - haven’t got any idea.
Second one is: Garr lick bread I think.
B3, the second one, is from the poem "The Second Coming" by Yeats... everything is going to shit, some rough beast is slouching towards Bethlehem, she's doing the dishes, but maybe the centre will hold. Or not..
C20: And besides, Biden has the locked garage defense.
Dear C20 Anon, Fuck Biden.
C20: Well I should have known that you would eventually win me over to your point of view. Oh, fuck Trump too.
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