I will never forget the extended family beach trip where every family brought paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, etc, and one family brought extremely soft toilet paper. I found out what brand it was and have been using it ever since.
And remember, he and his entire staff have been vaccinated and boosted. And I find that hilarious.
All things Ralph...
What say you, Danny?
A man once told me that he only had a high school diploma but was just as smart as any college graduate and I just looked at him curiously and asked, "Have you talked to a high school senior lately?" He countered that he had educated himself since leaving high school. I reminded him that he goes to work painting houses early in the morning, comes directly to the bar after work and drinks beer until 8pm or so, goes home to eat, then watches Duck Dynasty or some such crap, goes to bed, then starts the cycle all over again. No reading, no cultural enrichment, nothing that could remotely be considered educational. He huffed that that was just my opinion. I told him he was 100% correct.
That was a textbook example of how NOT to leave an occupied country.
There's nothing creepier than seeing my neighbor peek through his blinds at 3am while I'm siphoning gas from his car.
I'm so glad that we as a culture have all agreed to stop ironing our clothes.
The stories I have heard about the abuse children have endured in Catholic schools.
*It looks like she drew eyes on her eyelids and has her eyes closed.
Not to take anything away from his accomplishments, but late in the war, all the good enemy pilots had already been killed off.
I've always found it odd that humans will put the same things in their mouths that blistered it only days prior.
We've all had to do that from time to time.
It's almost impossible to tell the abused, miserable child from the cherished and adored child.
But I will assure you, that the film clip contains both.
Never in snow, but I have driven one of my many convertibles in cold weather with the top down and the heater on full blast...and smiled...like it was normal.
I keep mentioning this because I want you to understand that she could very well have been a swinger with more partners than you will ever dream of having.
Here's Another Grandma Who Gets It
Not all games are played with balls.
(pun intended)
Here she plays Airing Out The Coochie and photographs her perfect form.
(Another perfect segue)
If you make a joke about a kink more than three times then you probably have that kink.
Would it be cooler to Heely into the room before sex or to Heely out of the room after sex?
How the fuck do you get proficient at that?
I bet her first attempts were disastrous.
Do you think he was given a chance to practice on the course prior to that attempt?
"Want to go on a hike?"
"To relax?"
"Oh, hell no."
"Why are you doing this?"
"I want to feel alive!"
"You can only feel alive by doing something that can kill you?"
"Have you ever talked to a therapist about this?"
"No, therapists scare me."
I don't know where you are from, ole buddy, but around here you pull that shit and you get your name on a special list that follows you for the rest of your life.
Hot Dog Foosball
That awkward moment, way too late in a sentence, when a verb suddenly appears.
People don't fake a mental illness.
They fake being okay.
I've got the exact gun in the treasure chest slated for my grandson to open when I'm dead.
It's no kind of weather to be out there hotdogging it.
I understand that it would cost a fortune, but imagine that being restored to a hotel or something. As is it is such a waste.
It got bit but I think I read that they are immune.
It's still got to hurt like shit though.
Invisible Shield
He mostly stands in front of strong horizontals. Do horizontals lend themselves to the effect more than, say, strong verticals?
I may have shown you this before - or something similar - but I find it jaw dropping awesome.
^^D10^^Magnets Magic

*Think Wilson in Castaway.

C1: it's an indoor skydiving facility. And there is a catch net that will save you if you crash.
Puzzle. Time: I have a couple of answers.
1 the girls are just two of a much larger multiple birth. Therefore, they could be triplets, quads, etc.
2. They're invitro implants from eggs donated from to different women.
B5; Major Bong. He succeeded due to the superiority of advanced American capitalism, and thank God for that, speaking as an Englishman.
they're triplets (third is a son)
D5 -that's a real thing. It was an international award winning design for a male contraceptive.
Even with the net, hitting that from the height she went to seems like it would still hurt as fk.
Also, roof top sledding - only kids man, well i say that DESPITE putting someone in a shopping cart and using it as bumper cars when i was a teenager
B1 - Oh come in, she's just got in the habit of having Nun of that, and the kid was clearly being a complete heel!!!
B3 - It looks like she stole the owl's eyes.
A7: I can't disagree cos the Government have been shitting all over us for decades. Bunch of CUNTS!
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