Knowing that I don't have a lot of time left, I'm opposed to making as much art as I can. I figure if I have work scheduled then I'll be okay until I finish it.
The length some people will go...
If you believe you can throw rocks at the devil, you will believe anything.
Back when men were men and not worshippers of
the all-mighty dollar.
NOBODY saw that coming - not in one of the most conservative states in America.
I think that diversity is the only thing that makes life interesting. Pick any group of Americans and imagine how boring it would be if all of us looked and acted like them.
Me searching the internet for memes worth
sharing with you fine people.
Being a fan of a billionaire must be like walking around a casino you don't own and hooting like a badass every time the house wins, licking the urinals, and calling the trashcan "sir".
The wife and I tried those flavored condoms. She went down and said, "Mmmmm, cheese and onion flavor!" then I told her I hadn't put one on yet.
He's lucky it didn't try to chew his genitals off which is his signature aggression move.
I began writing my novels on a machine just like that. I read that research showed that white letters on a green background were the most legible combination and that's why interstate signs are those colors.
I set my computer with those colors and used it that way for years.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, they were awash in military equipment that they couldn't afford to maintain so they sold them for pennies on the dollar and were turned into all kinds of things.
As I understand it, the space is so ducks can walk up out of the water.
Would one of you gamers explain to me how that is done because it looks like a lot of fun?
A couple of rather interesting fish pics.
*Viewer Contribution
How the hell is that legal?
If firemen don't wear those gloves then why not?
In November 2020, a freak wave came out of the blue, lifting a lonesome buoy off the coast of British Columbia 17.6 meters high (58 feet).
Such an exceptional event is thought to occur only once every 1,300 years. And unless the buoy had been taken for a ride, we might never have known it even happened.
SOURCEAlcohol = karaoke fuel.
Could someone please demonstrate how to grab a bull by the horns? I'll bring the film crew.
The Lionel Messi Family
Nice feet on that lady.
The Diver
Miss Ukraine
My roommate in Germany had his skateboard sent to him and tried doing that. He left the road on the very first turn and screamed like a snake bit a little girl.
Voice Vote
There’s a certain turning point where weighted blankets go from helping with anxiety to giving anxiety.
Anytime an allergy is mentioned in a movie that person usually gets killed or poisoned with it.
She wears those shoes to look sexy.
Get a room!
Crocs make girls look so ugly.
A waitress once brought me my cup of coffee like that only it was her thumb stuck down in there. I expressed my alarm and she explained that she had a touch of arthritis and the doctor told her to keep it in a warm place as often as possible. I suggested she stick it up her ass and she said,
"I do when I'm behind the counter."
I'll be damned! That's my wife's signature move.

I did not see it.
Puzzle Time
Face in top right corner.
Homonogous societies have many benefits and generally more peaceful contrary to what the media might wax about.
An American study,
Depending on the type of road we have both green and blue signs here, the blue being easier to read (well for me at least).
More like The Three Stooges
Puzzle time,When you see it, top right corner.....
D13; alas, the footballer is Liam Brady, not Terry Dicks. A commentator once said "West Ham are all playing as well as Terry Dicks; it looks like there are eleven Dicks on the pitch right now".
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