*Ladies, just tell the poor guy what you want him to do.
NOTE: I've begun the most complicated box I've ever considered. It will take much of the time I normally spend on compiling Folio Olio. So, please be patient if some posts are...abbreviated.
When something takes me a few moments to understand I wonder how many people never understand it. Not because I'm smarter or more observant than you but because I do this every damn day and if I have trouble I just assume everybody has trouble.
Anyway, here are some hints:
I've never understood lawmakers making something illegal that the vast majority of people want legal.
"Soup of the day" implies another, possibly even seductive, soup of the night.
If you're one of those public speakers who say "Good morning...oh, come on you can do better than that...GOOD MORNING!" I automatically don't like you and refuse to listen to a word you say.
I would have assumed that without the heads-up.
I must be the most unlovely person in the world, then. My shower schedule is erratic at best.
I watched every minute of the coverage of Jan 6 and waited terrified for the cops would surely start shooting.
Jeremy Renner On The Mend
Not me. I understand he has different considerations than I do but when I'm down and out I don't even want visitors or even phone calls.
I directed the students at a school for the deaf in the painting of a mural. All the techniques had to be demonstrated since verbal instruction was impossible. I asked the teacher how I could sign "That's good" and she made the "Thank you" sign on the top row of the chart. So, I found a child painting perfectly, tapped her on the shoulder, then signed. Her face lit up and she began a whole excited conversation with me in sign - assuming I knew how to sign. The teacher intervened and the child looked deflated like I had tricked her.
It looks like they are giants standing on the Earth.
I ALWAYS tip these people.
That's an example of doing what you have to do.
So, why isn't his ass as tanned as his back?
I frequent a site that posts photos of Wednesday every Wednesday and by the sheer number can only assume that she spends a huge chunk of her life in front of a camera.
I found this extraordinary.
Isolating yourself in a cabin in the woods while the townspeople fear you is self-care.
How do I teach my body that my fight or flight response is supposed to be for life and death situations and not answering the doorbell?
Even if you doubt global warming, let's wean ourselves from fossil fuels just to keep this filth out of our lungs.
Someone tried to steal one of the Banksy murals in Ukraine.
Suspect facing 12 years for attempting to steal Banksy mural from the side of a Ukraine home valued the artwork at more than 9 million hryvnias ($244,000).
Would you be disappointed to learn that was just photoshopped? I would.
On one-lane roads, there ought to be a rule governing the action to be taken by both drivers who find themselves meeting. I say the rule should be: The smallest vehicle must back up to a place where it can get out of the way."
I've taken hundreds of photos of utility wires like that. I planned to paint a series paintings using them but never did.
I only put that in this section because it mentions the city but I don't understand what's going on. Anybody?
My first wife's advertising agency planned a team-building trip to go white water rafting for all employees AND their spouses or SO. I balked but was told I MUST go. A week before departure news came out that a woman had died on the same river we were scheduled to use. Wisely, our trip was canceled.
HELP: In a movie about mountain climbing, the rescuer told the injured climber, "Don't eat the snow or it will dehydrate you more." How is that possible?
Mesa Verde National Park In Colorado, USA
Think how brilliant that is. It's mostly shady, it shields them from rain and snow, and it is easily defended.
I had always assumed well-behaved women made history all the time but last night I saw a neon sign in the window of a lesbian bar that changed everything.
Remember when you failed at climbing the rope in gym class and they called the fucking president and he had to change our entire defense strategy?
The only way that makes sense is if it's on the landing path of an airport.
How cruel. It's like dangling bacon in front of your dog but not letting him eat it.
This bad boy let them know how he feels about it.
The world's largest ancient mosaic was uncovered in Antakya, Türkiye. It covers 9,000 square feet (836 m2) and was made in the late Roman period, 4th century AD.
And here is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read:
"It’s amazing that they got left there, like the people who covered them up appreciated the beauty and left them for others to see."
This is another image that is as old as the internet.
Such beautiful precision with one mission - to kill other human beings.
I like that very much.
The Boirault machine was an early French experimental landship, designed in 1914 and built in early 1915. It has been considered "another interesting ancestor of the tank", and described as a "rhomboid-shaped skeleton tank without armor, with a single overhead track". Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boirault_machine

Name the movies included.
Now try to name the movies not included.
^^C9^^ The downside is, EVERYTHING you want to eat and drink has to be carried several hundred feet up ladders, or down a couple hundred feet from above, also on ladders.There were coal deposits quite nearby, but they never figured out what it was good for.
C6- he’s breaking into a car (smash and grab) which is all too common in SF now.
B8 made me smile!!!! Thank YOu!
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