*I've eaten food in every state in the US and dozens of foreign countries and I am still accused of "not knowing what's good".
Just exactly how stupid do you have to be to believe shit like that? It's like something a teenager would make up just to troll stupid people.
My question is, do NASA, the NSA, and the military have to put up with the same printers as you and I?
How about other countries?
I talked to a young black woman who worked in a nursing home specializing in Alzheimer's patients and she could never get over the fact that so many people who couldn't remember their children's names could remember that they were racist.
Some people refuse to address any social issue in this country if they think their taxes will go up. They treasure money more than the well-being of their fellow citizens.
And yet we learned nothing...think Bitcoin.
There is a lot that scientists don't yet understand but that doesn't mean it was magic. It just means we don't know yet...period.
But when you get right down to it, God came from nothing also.
That statement has cost homeowners more money than anything else.
My wife once dressed up as a policewoman and told me I was under arrest on suspicion of being good in bed. A few minutes later all charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.
If I'm ever on trial for committing a major felony I really hope the jury is made up of the people who helped me do it.
I'm going to go with B.
I almost put this in Puzzle Time.
Get it?
The shadows.
Hand Casting
It is easy to get that wrong when there are so many references on the internet leading us to another conclusion.
When you think about it, that was a very disturbing plot.
The image captures the miraculous moment when the sun's rays hit a rare cloud called a pile cloud, and the angle and other subtle conditions are reflected in rainbow colors.
I was very shocked when I moved to a high school in Oklahoma and wrestling was the most popular sport by far.
Extraordinary Pies
Please do this, especially during the snow.
Watching the game with dad.
It happens in every culture.
Imagine you have a job but the machine you manipulate
is on another planet. Wow!
This is called a Water Printer or Fountain Printer. It's achieved by a computer controlling a line of water microjets that are capable of opening and closing to create an image or text. Location: Brno, Czech Republic.
Filming a Movie
Lighthouse was built more than a century ago, and still braving the waves.
That defense move is part of the interview at Waffle House.
BTW That behavior is why everything in a Waffle House is now bolted down.
Have you ever been this pissed off?
How many times do people need to see films of this exact same thing before they know not to do it?
♫Drove his Chevy to the levy but the levy was not dry.♫
Apples are a pretty mid fruit until I'm eating a really good one and then they're rapturous and transcendent and ambrosial and I've never experienced a fruit this good. And then I finish the apple, and apples aren't that good again.
What if I said, “If you think cheetah print is sexy, you’re fetishizing bestiality”?
It kind of looks like Kenny Rogers.
*Verification Requested
You can't imagine how many people find out I'm a muralist and want me to paint their van. Letting them know I have a $5000 minimum changed the subject.
This is my wife showing me where something is after I tell her I can't find it.
Did you notice how Putin kept his hand on the chair to make sure that it remained where he could sit? It saved him twice.
I do that also.
I convinced both my daughters that their pet fish magically changed colors from time to time and always did it after they fell asleep on the top of the water.
Helmet Fun
The Mouth
Listen Carefully
That's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. The Lindsey Graham part was priceless.
The Funny Side Of Covid

Try to imagine that you start reading a book and in the prologue, it states that the main character knows everything. He knows how many atoms are in a bar of soap. He knows the exact second that every supernova will explode. He knows every thought you have had or will ever have. Then in the book's first chapter, the main character creates a being but after a while, he realizes that the being is lonely so he has to create another.
In literature, we call that a HUGE plot hole. How, in the name of common sense, did the main character not know his being would be lonely?
Could someone please explain that to me like I'm 5?

🎶Oh, he never returned, no, he never returned and his fate is still unknown...🎶

^^B2^^ I hope you've seen this. It's from a couple years ago but it never gets old. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/santorum
Santorum: A frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex.
A4: Probably like you: everything is racist. California stopped ticketing for J walking, You know the illegality of J walking is racist. The last time I brought it up you affirmed that cross word puzzles were racist. Are your puzzles racist? We’ll have to monitor it for you. Thank me later. TeeHeeTeeHee
A6: Your’e failing. What happened to “I’ve decided to spend much more energy trying to make you smile. I preach too much and will work hard to make your visit to this blog a happier experience.” Was that just a transitory moment of sobriety or passing common sense?
C14 & 15: Typical
D5: There are other things more important than money. You should do it for the “art” of it. So superficial.
D14: Not as funny as: “No I can’t define a woman. I’m not a biologist.” Your’e hired. You have just the right amount of stupid.
Puzzle. Time: 6 + 11 + 13 = 30
No one said the numbers had to be right side up. Just turn the number around.
Yikes. He just reversed presumably knowing there was a hole back there no care in the world
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