Let's try that again...
In America, NeverTrumpers now outnumber Trump Cultists.
And before you suggest that Trump Cultists aren't cruel, rewatch them beat the living shit out of sworn federal police officers in and around the Capital on Jan 6.
It's probably true that Ukraine was not the model for tolerance before the war but that doesn't mean the war is justifiable. If you think bad conduct by Ukraine warrants invasion and annexation, then you have given tacit approval for every country with sins to be invaded and annexed.
And don't pull out the fact that the US has invaded many smaller countries because we gave them all back. We never annexed them like Russia did with Crimea and is trying to do with all of Ukraine.
I'm still pissed off at Biden for not getting to the bottom of that cesspool. It's got protecting the powerful in your party written all over it.
After I retired, I used to sit in a bar from 2 until 5 every day, and now I don't miss it in the least.
I taught my grandson that!
But it didn't take.
I once asked a true believer to give me one example of when her prayers were answered. She said that she prayed for her aunt who had cancer and she got well. I told her that there was a thing called spontaneous remission that happens often without prayer and then I said, "But it usually comes back." Then she said her aunt died two years later. I just shrugged.
*I don't even know what that means - I just thought it was a cool thing to say.
Bullshit! Everything you do alters people's perceptions of you.
It sickens me when I see artifacts like that rusting away. That's why I don't feel bad when I preserve (steal) such things.
I seem to remember that royal children were not spanked. Rather, a child was assigned to be his playmate and when the royal child misbehaved they would beat his friend. This was the origin of the term "whipping boy". Is that true?
I've often opined that making playground equipment "too safe" can stymie children's understanding of physics, but having that device over a brick surface seems ridiculously dangerous.
But it's not just the worker's time and the cost of the filter. The company also has to pay its mortgage, insurance, interest on its loans, etc.
Growing up in the South, we were taught since birth to never step over a log without first looking to see if there was a waiting snake. That's good advice because we have a lot of snakes down here.
Two guys walk into a bar. Another guy walks out. People do this all day. It's how bars work.
The Bachelor really needs a more diverse selection of contestants. Why is it always attractive women? Start throwing some 2s and 3s into the mix. I want to see that asshole on a hot-air balloon date with a chick who doesn't have any teeth.
Elaborate headgear should be banned from sporting events.
Or better yet, all people with such obstructions should have to sit in the same section and tolerate each other.
The people who don't wear helmets also don't wear masks during a pandemic. He probably figures that helmets are not 100% effective so why bother.
It still astounds me how often that happens. I've put hundreds of boats in the water and know to use every precaution. I think alcohol is a factor.
The guy dragged his child away missing an excellent teaching moment.
"That's called teabagging, son, and girls love it."
Most amateur combatants don't know that when you hit a person in the skull you are likely to break the bones in your hand. So, if you must fight, make the first punch count.
Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
I think we can all agree she was driving much too fast for a residential area. But the cause may have been her panicking and stomping the accelerator thinking it was the brake. I've seen that very thing happen twice.
Buckminster Fuller once said that man hates nature because if he loved nature he never would have invented architecture.
Think about it - we avoid cold, heat, rain, dryness, bugs, animals, reptiles, and even the feel of the Earth on our feet.
No man is immune to the partially exposed breast.
What he did wrong was getting caught.
But ladies, would you not stare at this?
How about a swimsuit like this?
And remember, a lot of people lost their shit over men showing part of their underwear.
Imagine doing that without a clue as to what was going to happen.
There is no rational reason to do that.
"How did he die?"
"Ironically he was trying to feel alive."
Mud Truck Mishap
The year is 2246. Disease and hunger have been eradicated. The terraforming of Mars is complete. The symbol for Save is still a floppy disk.
I never truly understood licking things to claim them as your own until I encountered the clitoris.
Just down from the Doomsday Seed Vault lies the OREO Global Vault! In the event of a catastrophic asteroid strike, OREO cookies (and powdered milk!) and the cookie recipe are stored in an actual Doomsday Vault.
This market includes a bio of the farmer.
Soccer player's "batting cage"
I find that kind of skill astounding.
"Sailboats will never work because the wind doesn't always blow" is the exact same argument they use against wind turbines.
"Sir, may I introduce you to batteries. They store energy."
Boat?! We don't need no stinkin' boat.
It looks like he uses the pole to not only balance but also to steer.
Interspecies friendships are special.
No Splash Brick
I can't imagine how that is possible.
Snow on Mars
All things tardigrade...
This took me much too long...
Two girls, one cup.
I could only watch about 5 seconds of it.
I think they just shoved some chocolate pudding up her ass.
In Labrador, it was so cold that when you peed outside it just stacked up like sticks.
When growing up, one of our neighbors had 12 children. My father said that the last one walked out...spinning a cane.
Germans love Jim Beam. I made a fortune with it in the black market.
So, this is the way girls practice distorting their backs to make their butts stick out.
Speaking of...
I got so tired of fellow teachers doing that every time I walked into their rooms.
But, seriously, did you notice that she looks like she has just been spanked?
Let's take another look at this...
The most wonderful sound in the world.
I can imagine that sound in the caves of early humans and every clansman smiled.

One would think Biden would be a better liar after all those years of practice.
Hawaii & Texas are no longer part of the USA? There's probably more.
Do you honestly believe things would be different with the Dems? Same coin different sides.
Funny how the classified papers are no longer a hysterical outcry in the media no that it's the other guy busted and why was it kept quiet for so long.
re A2; War in Ukraine. When taking advice regarding which side to support and why....would you commit your private money to an investent proposed by this man? You wouldn't? Then why believe him when lots of human lives are at stake? You take advice from the US government and you're dealing with lying senile gangsters.
Dear Gentle Readers, That man doesn't know that the news media has been going apeshit over Biden's classified documents mishandling. I pity the fool.
Item #2: I send money to Ukraine every month, so, yes, I would commit my private money with him.
Item #3: I think ALL my political content has been hilarious.
Obviously never heard of media bias, it's real.
Puzzle. Time: the middle one is the fake nurse. Her ID card has a picture of a man on it.
I was aware of Biden's bad day when I weote that; whichever individual is in power it's all the same. THEIR career and money are all that matters...
Ralph, you're hopeless at being nasty and making unpleasant comments. Keep it up! Mike
C10 they probably bring the food in that van
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