Boy, that's a real poser. I would be afraid that "secured facilities" would be abused as just another way to jail them without calling it a jail.
*You might want to convert that college fund to
a future therapy account.
If God hadn't meant for you to diddle yourself
she wouldn't have made it so pleasurable.
What do you suppose she thinks that says?
Maybe they typed in "party girl" or "good time girl" and that's how it was translated.
My wife shoots candid shots of me around the house and submits them to calendar compilers...
Within reason, you can learn how to do anything...FREE!
My friend's bar was downtown and it was patronized by a few suits. One was a vice president of some corporation and he was a complete elitist asshole. So, one night the bar had an Elvis Night where customers selected an Elvis song, sang it, and then were judged by the other patrons. The suit bragged that he was in his church's choir and had a trained voice, thus it wouldn't be fair for him to enter the contest. I worked very hard to convince him to enter the contest and he was so bad that they literally laughed him off the stage.
She's a keeper.
I have often voiced my confusion over the marriage of Trump and Christians and now we may have found the answer.
It's time to
I'm also in favor of doing it to black preachers who tout the Democratic Party.
Trump's tax returns are now public and it appears that he is guilty as fuck of tax fraud.
Remember me telling you that polling indicates that there are now more NeverTrumpers than Trumpists? Well, come to find out there is a huge number of Republicans who want Trump gone.
Imagine being about to do this anytime you wanted.
If my wife could do that, I would beg her to do it constantly.
Toilet Paper Dispersal
I knew a guy who gave his current wife an anniversary card on the date of his first marriage.
There should be a calorie refund for meals that don't taste as good as you expected.
Did you notice that the logs alternate between large and small?
I wonder if there is a structural reason to do that.
More anasaphilia...
Amusing Stick-Ons
I find it interesting that $300 buys you an excellent flat-screen TV but a piece of shit dresser or table.
I went into this pandemic a caterpillar and I will emerge from this pandemic a fat caterpillar.
Dance like everyone else is blind, deaf, and
doesn't have a single neuron of memory left.
I bet the guy on the left knew exactly what was about to happen and opted to just watch the drama unfold.
A documentary told me that all those people can afford tickets but there simply isn't room on the train for them. I've often wondered if that is true.
Another case of driving so fast that you don't have time to react...
I always assume that somebody is about to do the most stupid thing imaginable and so far I have yet to have an accident.
As a Son Of The South, we called our once-every-two-year event a "Snow Day" because it lasted 24 hours and just meant everybody stayed home from work and school. Then my sojourn in Goose Bay, Labrador convinced me that human beings were not designed to live anywhere north of Memphis.
I can't imagine waking up in the morning day after day and having to deal with this BEFORE I went to work.
And even a child would know the roads are utterly impassable...
Then your desire to go somewhere overcomes your common sense.Some people don't even make it to their car.
In more extreme latitudes, it is even necessary to shovel your ROOF - which offers a whole new level of hazards.
I believe that living in a Northern city near a lake in the winter is why they kill each other so often.
Even non-motorized vehicles are not immune...
(I don't remember what this is but it might fit here)
Recreation during one of these events can be problematic...
There is ample evidence that living through this white hell year after year will lead to a total cognitive collapse.
Bless their hearts.
But mostly this is the universal attitude...
Here's one last montage you may enjoy.
People On Ice
Do you know what else is gender-neutral, fucker? Fucker. Fucker is gender-neutral. Fucker.
"I can still rock and roll,"
I whisper as I reach for my pill organizer.
Some may be paintings - I don't care
Is she a Bobbitt?
And my favorite...

The old guy on the left.

*Viewer Contribution

I bet she "felt alive" all the way to the emergency room to have that arm set.

Puzzle Time.... An inside job.
You read something some where that says Trump is guilty of tax fraud. I read something some where that says he is totally innocent.
Who the Hell do you believe?
According to what I read his accountants played by all the rules. No laws were broken.
Yeah, he probably owns a couple of politicians (hopefully got them on sale or a blue lite special). He couldn't have owned enough politicians to write all the laws, but he was smart enough to take advantage of the laws someone else has written.
B1: it doesn't alternate between large and small. There's a large end of the tree and there's a small end of the tree.
Follow the logs in the larger photo and you will see that there's a small end on one side and a big end on the other.
It's called using what you have at hand and making the most of it.
Dear Gun Guy, His chief accountant is in jail for tax fraud.
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