About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


 One Of My Very Own








Many people love to be outraged by things that are none of their fucking business.






ender is a scam made up by Big Lavratory to sell more bathrooms.


I'm going to be honest with you. For a period of time in the 90s I frequently wore a T-shirt that said "NO FEAR". But there was some fear.



Magnificent Hand-Made Door Lock Crafted By Frank Koralewski In 1911, Using Gold, Silver, And Bronze


Football Match Played In 2000-Year-Old Roman Arena In Pula, Croatia


 Interconnected Chain Rings Made Out From Single Piece Of Stone


The Castle Of Coca Is A Castle Located In The Coca Municipality, Central Spain


Abandoned Indigenous Tree House In Papua New Guinea


4th Century Bc Golden Ring Found In The Tomb Of A Thracian King In Yambol Region, Bulgaria


Sculptures At An Abandoned Abbey In England


The Huge Roman Aqueduct Built In Segovia, Spain, By The Roman Emperor Trajan (AD 98-117)


This Shoe With a Bird On the Front Was Found In Haarlem, Holland, And Is Dated Ca. 1300-1350 A.d.


A Flint Handaxe Knapped Around A Fossil Shell Made By An Archaic Hominin, West Tofts, Norfolk, England, CA. 500,000-300,000 Before Present



A dog is able to learn up to 250 words and gestures and count up to 5: Equivalent to a human aged 3. A cat doesn't give a damn and is sick of your crap: Equivalent to a human aged 48.


My favorite six seconds of every contemporary horror movie is when they try to solve the problem with their phone and verbally recognize that they are out of their cell provider’s service area.





It looks like her dog wouldn't come when called so she played dead.


This hospital waiting room was equipped with these magnificent things.


A survivor of the Hindenburg being carried to safety, in 1937

Time for a quick smoke...





A young Irish woman on my mural crew told me that back in Ireland her father grew mushrooms in the basement and it was her job to tend them. She said the smell was so bad that she often threw up.


Think of the trust you would have to have in your equipment to do that.


Ellen Ripley

I think of that lady when I hear complaints about the lack of strong female leads.





Is there a rule concerning which body part must cross the line first?


Ice Mountains of Pluto as seen from New Horizon spacecraft


Rock, Paper, Scissors

How very interesting.



I'm not sure there are advantages over the common ax.



ME, my last day as a doctor: Sir, your sugar is dangerously high. You need to eat less… *checking the notes on my hand*… crabs.


Me: I think we should take the next step. I want you to meet my parents

Her: Now that we’ve been married for eleven years?



How is it that there aren't caution signs everywhere?



But why would they want to catch it?



The new lawn darts...

Who doesn't know those things are dangerous by now?


It's almost like the extinguisher was flammable.



I haven't posted a barrier arm incidence in a long time.


I blame the silly ass shoes.


What dropping 100 tons of steel looks like.

Why would they try and lift them all at the same time?


Now pay attention:

This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen...and I mean that.










Anonymous said...


This treehouse is a fake!
It was built by locals (the Korowai) but way higher than they normally build, for a program on the BBC called Human Planet.
They normally build 20 to 30 feet up. The one shown is nearly 200 feet!

Fardygardy said...

A touch surprised to see you use the expression "BC" (as in ^^B6^^, "4th Century Bc"). BC stands for "Before Christ", of Christian origin.

My understanding is that historians now use "BCE" for "before the Common Era"


Fargardy; historians only use BCE because they go along with Marxist ignorant crap. They just don't want to say "Christian". They have become part of the Gramscian Revolution...

Anonymous said...

Mike Harris has a point, I still use BC/AD even though I'm atheist and what I was taught back in school.

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