About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


 One Of My Very Own







I finished the Amazon box part of my new box.

And I built a suitcase out of wood.

That the handle matches the color of the case was pure dumb luck.

I had to get the vintage vacation decals copied at a copy shop because my wife and I are simply incapable of getting our color printer to work.

So, the top is finished and the lid opens.

To arrange the items to fill the front I taped out the size and shape on my workbench then arranged and rearranged items for hours.

And my efforts came up lacking. I must have more textures and colors so my wife and I have scheduled a trip to Goodwill tomorrow.

More updates to follow.



Playing air tambourine just looks like you forgot how to clap.


More From The Book of Bunny Suicides


I ate two dozen gummy bears before realizing they were actually vitamins. I've ripped a door clean off its hinges and when I looked at my cat it exploded.



*Viewer Contribution
















I like that my beard covers my double chin. I find it amusing that some men trim their beards so high that their double chin is still visible.









Don't adopt a puppy to see if you are ready for kids. Adopt a homeless guy with diarrhea and a bunch of stories that don't go anywhere.


All I want is to be as happy as the men on Maury when they find out they are not fathers.



When the few surviving members of the Easter Island people were asked how the statues got there, the people said "They walked".

Some researchers think this was what they meant.

"El Gigante", located at Rano Raraku quarry, is the largest Easter Island statue ever carved. If finished, it would have stood 21.6 m (71 feet) tall, almost twice that of any moai ever completed, and would have weighed an estimated 270 tons, many times the weight of any transported


When caught mishandling classified documents EVERY culprit must be investigated. If you think otherwise you are just a party hack who lacks principles.

And ANYONE on that rape island should be put on trial.


How can that be? I've been sending thoughts and prayers for weeks.




Not exactly. They would only do that if the liberals warned them against doing it.


Have You Ever Searched 'Chicxulub Crater' on Google?

Google has a fun feature I only just found out about and wanted to share with you. Here's the link to save time:



You gotta love that guy.




Recommendations by Meta's oversight board may lead the social media titans to "free the nipple." Reviewing the case of a ban on images that contained breasts, with the nipples blocked, of a transgender, non-binary couple. In reviewing the ban the oversight committee realized the ban makes no sense and serves little purpose.









Ship Pilot Commute


Star Trek Uniqueness



Does a hand job from a deaf person count as oral?


Did you know that you can't inhale while smiling?






Just kidding. I just wanted to make you smile.










This was posted to illustrate the recovery fee...

But is a cucumber margarita a real thing?


Irish Guy On Roof


SNL Prayer










How big of a film buff are you?


Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
You killed my father...

Anonymous said...

Irish Guy On Roof - They are Scottish not Irish and if not mistaken Glaswegians.

Anonymous said...

^^A1^^ Ron Jeremy committed to a state mental health hospital


n2prenr said...

Puzzle Time: Quote from The Princess Bride. "You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die"

Anonymous said...

C8: For idiots who would pay $12 for a drink, it is.

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