About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


 One Of My Very Own

"...and said they were too busy."







My money is on it being a weather balloon just like the dozens that have strayed in the past.







*Viewer Contribution

Clever, clever man.




I once heard an interview with a man who was asked what would he say if he met god, and the man said, 

"Childhood leukemia, really?"


I now realized that I used beer as a reward. I never allowed myself to use power tools when drinking but as soon as I was finished I ALWAYS popped a cold one. I kind of miss that.


With this tax bank robbers and drug dealers would pay their taxes as soon as they spent the money. I might support it if stocks and bonds were taxable at the same rate. We can't let the super-rich win on this one.


That's all well and good unless one of those creatures wants to kill you. More on this later in this post.





*And his base eats it up...no pun intended.


My first teaching gig had a rule of "No Jeans". I only had jeans so it was a real pain in my ass. I asked why they had such a rule and was told that a few years prior some of the female teachers wore skin-tight jeans with holes in them so the rule was made to stop such unprofessional behavior. I asked why they didn't just ban skin-tight jeans with holes in them and was warned not to be "problematic".


That is a hard and fast rule in men's bathrooms but none of us can remember being taught the rules.


That is why I always order a family bucket at KFC - no one is left behind.


I go to Bo Jangles once a week. I love their fried chicken. On my last visit to the drive-thru I was told, "We're out of chicken." I asked her to repeat that and she did. I left and went to my BBQ place and the lady told me that they were out of barbecue sauce. What is this country coming to?


And we all know who they are talking about.



I can't spend the rest of my life convincing an automatic faucet I exist. I just can't.


Was it a bad day or was it a bad five minutes you milked all day?



While rescuers were trying to dig out survivors from a collapsed building, another nearby building collapsed.

Florida upside down looks like the Grinch.



It looks like linoleum that just looks like wood.






Well, that works as designed.



Speaking of, what the hell is this?



I end many of my sentences with "just saying" because ending the sentence with "dumb ass" would probably be considered offensive.


I hate how all everyday tasks have to be repeated again and again. Why am I Sisyphus? I didn't even cheat death.



Leopard Kill

The street light got replaced but they took care of the woodpecker's house.


My dog would like to know your location.



Tree Goats


Beaver "Dam"

Because that's what beavers do.


The intermingling of wild animals and humans can be problematic.

Feeding wild animals just make them hate the people who have no food for them.


Their aggression is very predictable but we keep feeding them anyway.


This lady knows not to feed them.


A very real problem of allowing wild animals to live with us is the traffic hazards.


You can love animals and still not want them to live near your children that they could easily turn into lunch.


Who in their right mind would allow this in their neighborhood?


What I like about hippos being the most dangerous animal in the world is that they are vegetarians. Not even omnivores. They don't want to eat you, they just hate you. And I think that's a beautiful thing.


It is so fucked up that if you get a burger from anywhere besides Five Guys you have literally no way of knowing how many guys were involved in that process.


I view someone's lack of reciprocation as challenging to convince them of my worth.





Archaeologists still don't know how to solve the riddle of Göbekli Tepe (12000-10000 BC), in Türkiye; which predates Earth's great civilizations by thousands of years.

They found a chamber with columns that had images on them and immediately described it as religious. Why couldn't it have been an art gallery? Or mere decoration? Or elaborate graffiti?



Evolution of Art


Sweden just agreed to send this to Ukraine.

Its MRSI (multiple round simultaneous impacts) capabilities are up to 6 rounds, meaning it can fire 6 shells, and they all land at the same time

It was relocated in just 70 seconds.


Smashing grass fibers to braid into traditional hemp rope.




Helmet Pots


Finland on Russia

PM of Finland: “If Russia Wins the War in Ukraine, we will see decades of this behavior ahead of us”











Anonymous said...


It ain't all sunshine and roses like you make it out to be. My brother lives there and looking at going private. He's already paying for his own dental out of pocket as it's not covered by NHS.

Fardygardy said...

puzzler: queue

Robin said...

Puzzle Time:

Q = queue.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle - Queue

Anonymous said...

puzzle time

Thorhees21 said...

Puzzle time: queue

Anonymous said...

A7 Possibly Stephen Fry?
ref: https://youtu.be/zBy3hEpRNm8?t=72

Anonymous said...

More transphobia, this shit needs to stop. Wtf is wrong with women objecting? Time to cancel Bethany!

Anonymous said...

A7 Possibly Stephen Fry?
ref: https://youtu.be/zBy3hEpRNm8?t=72


Plod said...

Doesnt look like a Leopard to me ... you sure its not a Jaguar ...

Anonymous said...

Wrt the transphobia poster they should ban these people as well, https://beachgrit.com/2023/02/world-surf-league-broadsided-by-surf-legends-including-kelly-slater-shane-dorian-bethany-hamilton-and-its-own-north-shore-water-patrol-loudly-denouncing-new-policy-allowing-trans-women-to-compete/

Inchworm said...

Alternate puzzle answers



Kaaay (like you understand but are not sure you agree)

Aargh! If you are a pirate!

Whyyy? Picture a whiny teenager

Burgervan said...

A13: "All HIS base are belong to us". (One for the Computer game fans)

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