I'm working on another box. This one required 170 blocks cut all the same size and painted all the same color.
It required a box of unusual dimensions - higher than it is thick.
Imagine a school board trying to pick a tire company to purchase tires for their school buses. Now let's further imagine that one of the school board members owns a tire store. Do you think they should be allowed to vote on a matter in which they have a direct financial interest?
Now suppose a US senator who has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Big Oil voting on matters that affect Big Oil.
I propose that no lawmaker be allowed to vote on a law that concerns a company that has contributed, say, over $10K to a lawmaker.
This looks like what happens when you feed wild animals.
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I have a theory about this.
I think the disappointment some parents express over the homosexuality of their children boils down to grandchildren or lack thereof. My desire for a grandchild was very powerful and if my children took reproduction off the table it would have left my desire unfulfilled. But that does not mean I would reject them or worse.
Further, I think the anti-gay/trans campaign on the right has nothing to do with morals and everything to do with creating a common foe to unite the base.
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I knew a young woman who made a lot of money delivering weed with the pizzas. She was careful never to have too much in her possession to avoid escalation of charges if caught. Oh, and it was quality stuff which had a great demand.
Have you ever noticed that it's always the people who have mastered all the nuances of language who won't accept any changes?
Not everyone who is confident is competent and not everyone who is competent is confident.
Superheroes only keep their identities secret so they don't get sued for property damage.
A Grammarly commercial came on TV right after a pizza commercial and that gave me an idea. There are New York-styled pizza, Chicago-styled, etc, so why don't we have a setting in Grammarly for New York, Atlanta, etc, writing styles?
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Slim Pickens might have said it but a writer had to write it first.
Remember there was that month in the 70s when everybody was really into Gregorian chants?
I think we should replace "quantitative" and "qualitative" with "numbery" and "feely".
Just about as perfect foot as I've ever seen.
Speaking of...
I bet dogs really do get tired of our shit sometimes.
I didn't get the ocean wave.
Not many years ago, my wife and I decided to visit the last drive-in movie before it closed. At one point I looked over at the car next to us and a butt-naked young woman was straddling her man on the passenger seat, and as I looked at her undulations she met my gaze and...smiled.
He is a national treasure.
When I realized that I forgot something in the grocery I snapped my fingers really loudly and this lady on the next aisle said, "I'm your good bitch, daddy," and the guy with her said, "That wasn't me, babe."
My wife drives so badly that the GPS doesn't speak, it prays.
This is what true love looks like.
Remember this?
By offering the seat so enthusiastically, he insures it remains unoccupied.
"I know a guy who will do it cheaper..."
I had a tree about that large removed from my side yard and they lowered down pieces until it was gone.
One little switch would avoid that. Why not have an alarm sound if you put the truck in gear while the bed is raised?
Extraordinary video of the inflight mating of a queen bee. The ejaculation of a drone bee is so powerful that his endophallus ruptures and he quickly dies.
He died doing what he loved most.
My wife's laptop was getting a little too hot so I made an elevated support to help cool it.
I like to think about my misalignments as the concept of the Turkish Flaw.
Finally, the person with the camera immediately got the hell away from the danger instead of gawking.
He's driving that with a joystick!
In July 2017, during a thunderstorm, a cloud camera at the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii took a stunning photo of two types of lightning.
Red Sprites and Blue Jets - in the same frame. This is said to be incredibly difficult to achieve since the flashes last only tenths of a second. Then there's this...
As I recall, the damage done to the coliseum was due to people salvaging building materials.

Puzzle. Time: bottom row far right.
^^C9^^ There is still a working drive-in theater in Fort Collins, CO, but its days are probably numbered because a new housing subdivision has gone up right next to it and the assholes who bought a house there, knowing that the drive-in was right there, are going to start complaining about the noise any day now.
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