About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 25, 2023


 One Of My Very Own









The shape of the slats is very important.














I can't remember anything lately. I think I'm going through mentalpause.


Date someone who really wants to suck your private parts.



Gun Truck

Soldiers built those themselves and kicked ass.


Nowadays words mean what you want them to mean. As I understand it ANTIFA is hated by conservatives because they consider it liberal. Conservatives hate anything liberal even if that opposition goes against their own self-interest.



Coal dust shower

They do that with sawdust also. It's a substance that glues the top layer of the product together.


Does this look like fun?

How about this?


There are three ways to put out a fire: remove the fuel, starve it of oxygen, or lower the temperature. That foam does two of those things.


Holi celebrations in India

This looked like so much fun.

This is what I found when I Googled it.

That sounded so pure and fun, but then I found this...

Why tie it to mythical figures?



A facilitator in a team building exercise asked my faculty to line up by age without speaking. I just looked at the teacher next to me and whispered 1946 and was immediately chastised by everyone who heard me. I tried to explain that the facilitator had absolutely no power over us but my fellow teachers would have none of it.


Momma, I'm Home

After a long trip by plane, boat, and car, Kailo finally gets the hug he needed. Kailos parents were killed by wildlife traffickers and he was rescued by Congolese Police. He's now at Lwiro Primates Rehabilitation Center

*I think she should have painted her mask to appear more mammalian. 


I STILL get comments that say basically the same thing.

Let's listen to some of his "rightness"...



So many homophobes turn out to be secretly gay that I'm nervous that I may secretly be a giant spider.


Remember this?

It's one of my all-time favorites.


It seems like hand dryers take forever to warm up, but that's because the evaporation cools your skin so the hot air feels cold until the water is gone.



Yes, accidents happen...

But accidents happen to stupid people more often.


When I mounted my kitchen cabinets I feared that very thing so I screwed the holy shit out of them.


"He died doing what he loved most - being incredibly stupid."


In case you missed it...


I would call that an attractive hazard, meaning it is so inviting that they should have assumed people would want to sit on it. Therefore it should be sturdy enough to hold them.


This guy practiced this BEFORE he did it in front of a camera...


This person DID NOT practice before she did it in front of a camera...



That's a smooth-ass highway.



Another Day In Indonesia



Me: Doc, I hurt my back.

Dr: What happened?

Me: Well, I was rolling over in bed…

Dr: AT YOUR AGE??!???


“Schrödinger’s Second” is the time immediately after a child collides with an object where they are both hurt and not hurt until observed.








I've seen several images using books like this.




Have you ever been this bored?

He actually did that quite well.


Cue the Benny Hill Music


Teach Me Some Dance Steps

(I found this delightful!)










n2prenr said...

Puzzle Time Code is 3 9 4


No reference; towards end....Authoritarians and how they operate; you mean like with "Climate Change" and the Covid scare?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, Surely you are not saying those two things did not/do not deserve to be warned about. Please tell me you understand.

Anonymous said...

D2..... She was dying her hair and didn't realize her glove broke.

Anonymous said...

Dying Hair Anon - Thank god!
I thought perhaps she was a proctologists and just finished up with an alien from Xenon. Since everyone knows Xenonians have latex dissolving properties in their bodily fluids, that is what I was going with.

I can sleep tonight - thanks!

One question though (Columbo style) - Exactly what color was she dying her hair and why that color?

Anonymous said...

D10: One of my favorite groups of videos ever. Loved all the different dance moves!

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