About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 15, 2023

MONDAY #5255

One Of My Very Own








Does no one remember Rule 39...

...of which that lady is in violation?


Are dirty feet a deal breaker for anyone but me?


Has anyone else spent enough time browsing the internet to recognize each and every one of these meme characters?


If you lived in that town would you let your children walk to school or the park alone?


Were any of you in the military? If so, was it a positive or negative experience?


Do you think Christianity is any different?

You know how I feel about religion but I need help understanding how Jesus' message of love and tolerance could be warped into hate and exclusion and nobody seems to see it as a problem.


Have you ever read The One Minute Manager?

I read it while sitting on a beach just like that. After a while, a woman walked by and found my choice of reading material amusing in such an environment.


Well, do you?


Do you get this?

My wife didn't.


I've often wondered about asbestos litigation. The Navy designed warships that had to be protected with asbestos. It was written into the specs. So when it was discovered to be harmful, why was the manufacturer held liable and not the people who ordered it installed?


Are any of you invested in crypto? If so, please explain it to me.


I'm WAY ahead of you on that. My house sits on 2½ lots and I only have three little patches of grass. I think it is much more beautiful than that flat green carpet you call a lawn. Do you think that after the corporations have bought up all the water rights and made it very expensive that you would reconsider grass?

Parts of my yard look sort of like this and I find it very pleasant...and maintenance free.



A10; The problem with your politics is that you are too idle to read about it. You adopt a Party as you would follow a football team, blindly supporting it again, with little reflection.


 Dear Mike, I am "too idle"? Would you please explain that to me?

Am I to understand that you are against everything I am for and for everything I'm against? We could go tit for tat if you like. You go first.



He has a point though, if it's woke you go for it. You will post stuff to bolster your position and then it's repudiated as BS. It's OK to care and support good causes but at times Ralph you get it horribly wrong.


I humbly request that you send me something I posted that you disagree with. Let's take it one at a time. But keep in mind that I posted this guy...

That doesn't mean I agree with him. I post many images of things to spur thought - mine and yours. Let's limit your criticism to things I have written. And please, one at a time. I simply don't have time to read much less reply to a page of criticism at one time.

Oh, heck, I'll go first.

"I think Donald Trump lost the election and tried to violently stop the vote count to stay in power."

Do you think I'm wrong? Explain why.



A local cemetery raise its burial charges and blamed it on the cost of living.


I wonder if Jesus thinks about me when he’s on the toilet or if it’s a one-way street.





I've been suggesting that for years.


Speaking of...

*I seem to remember posting something like that years ago. Did it ever get off the ground?



What about the poor smucks on the night shift that have to sleep all day?





Pipe Lining


People who drink pee always look like people who drink pee.


Old MacDonald loaned me cash.

He I...he I owe.







I've owned several of those. You can replace a finder with just a wrench in about an hour. A bumper in 30 minutes. I replaced four motors - each held in place by four bolts.


I like that!


I couldn't help it...lower left.


Kind of looks like a frog doesn't it?


So purely mean that they kill more people than any other animal and...AND don't eat them. They are herbivores. They do it cause they can.



Why wouldn't they just cut it where the door met the frame? The slit would be almost invisible.

During one of our road trips out West, I SAW THIS SIGN!

Unless, of course, there is more than one.


As I understand it, they made a wooden model to work out the details, then just scaled it up.





Why does everybody suck at driving but me?


Love is sharing a password.




I would have used a pic without the shades.





I always think about the hours per day maintenance that requires.



If you ever have doubts about women in combat you need to watch that movie again.


Bagging Demo

She is cute as a button.


Speaking of...

Painted People: A Tutorial


Roof Bolter

No safety goggles.


Wedding Cleanup





As described it does sound extraordinarily boring.







Jon said...

a5 I was in the Air Force from 76 to 80. I smoked weed most days including at lunch time because I lived on base and could go home for lunch. I was a vehicle mechanic. When people thank me for my service I tell them not to because it was really a 4 year paid party for me. I was a functional weed smoker so I did my job and did it right so there were no complaints from my supervisors.

Anonymous said...

You don't really notice it.
While studying in Cape Town I had this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noon_Gun

JNR said...

To Mike Harris
Mr Henry and I agree on several issues. Healthcare being the big one.
We definitely disagree on politics but I am always interested in all points of view even when I disagree with them.
The fact that he allowed your comment to me to be posted proves he does try to be even handed.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear JNR, The entire Folio Olio family is very eager to hear why you disagree with my desire for universal healthcare. Now is your chance to set us all straight. Go for it.

Anonymous said...

You must have misunderstood. We agree on health care.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear JNR, I'm very embarrassed. I did, in fact, misread your comment. I apologize for my stupidity.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Jon, My nuke shop worked from 7am until 4pm. I would go to sleep at 4pm, set my alarm for 11pm, get up, get dressed, and head to the clubs when they really started rocking. Many, many nights I would get out of some German girl's bed and drive straight to work at the nuke shop - I kept a uniform in my car. I paid for all this with black-market contraband. So, yeah, I had a fucking ball.

billr said...

^^C12^ Colorado has a bunch of these.

^^C14^^ There's a hell of a lot of Interstate highways he can't drive on. It won't fit under the bridges or signs.

Rick said...

Ralph, I read several of your postings in a day. Some of your stuff I agree with, some I don't agree with but all of it is entertaining. Life is too fuckin' short to get into arguments with people.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Rick, Thank you for your comment. I AM NOT trying to start an argument, but what do you say to people who claim there is nothing that can be done about the mass murders of our children in our schools? Don't some things demand a stand?

Inchworm said...



Burgervan said...

A14: Commenter 1 & 2 are a pair of CUNTS! Hahahabananaha!

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Inchworm, The puzzle maker was looking for Andre = Dre. I like your solution much better.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Burgervan, No name-calling. It's beneath you.

Anonymous said...


You can't trust anybody.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Can't Trust, A real clusterfuck, indeed.

Burgervan said...

I apologize for my insults and offer that they were intended with the least of malice. I will, however endeavour to never repeat such a riposte. I call my brother a Cunt, every day but he knows I only mean it in jest. Your subscribers deserve better from me as I'm in no way within their circle of such brotherly kinship. I can only thank them for imparting their opinion and stuff. I rarely comment with any hatred or disdain. That's just My sense of humour. 😁

Anonymous said...

B7: They are 3D printing entire neighborhoods where I live. The houses aren't exactly small either.

They had to erect a 10 foot fence around the work site due to so many people wanting to watch.

Anonymous said...

puzzle time: Andrew, Drew

Anonymous said...

And he'll use this very much to his advantage. People will also question 'if this was bs, then what else is BS.

It's kinda like a cop being busted in court on the witness stand for planting evidence. You now have to question all the other cases he was involved in where people were found guilty...

Anonymous said...

I'm commenter #2, I call people cunts all the time, it's a term of endearment where I'm from. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Who the hell spells Anthony without an h?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: Angus, Gus

Anonymous said...

A8 yes. Their salaries are enough. They work for the people.

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