About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

SUNDAY #5254

 One Of My Very Own

*Did you notice that I put a pasty on her nipple to placate Google?








I shudder to think what would happen if my computer got burned up or something and I had to start all over again. Hell, it's been years since I've turned it off. I just close it at night and pray that it goes to sleep to get some rest.


Our moon came from a chunk of Earth so I just assumed that was rather common.


Hardly anyone thinks about such things. They just fall back on "We've always done it that way" so they don't have to actually think for themselves.


I'm a cash guy. The only thing I use a credit or debit card for is gasoline and that's just because I don't want to go inside.


And being a cash guy I have many opportunities to search for Star Dollars - reprinted bills that were rejected at the mint.

I collect them for a friend who has a few thousand dollars worth of them - we've been doing it for years. But today was the first Star Dollar I have found in over a year. I have surmised that we have simply depleted the supply in our area.




My friend in London photoshopped this.

It is truly food for thought.



Speaking of gambling, I find it bewilderingly illogical that you are allowed to play Black Jack in a casino UNTIL you learn how to win then you are banned.


If you want to demonstrate your worth, then stop doing your job for a while.



This really touched me.

To me, it was just a reminder of how lucky I am to be married to the woman who loves me as much as I love her.




I can still remember my childhood phone number but I can't remember the password I created yesterday.


Can we all please normalize being quiet in the morning?



*Viewer Contribution


2,000-Year-Old Gemstones found in Drain Beneath a Roman Bathhouse


The Circle Bridge, Copenhagen, Denmark



I used to tell people that my favorite part of the movie was when Ripley came out wearing her forklift.



Watch carefully

Could that possibly be real? I kind of doubt it because of this clip:


Here's part of that clip...

An expert on TV explained that the "bolt of lightning" didn't even wash out the shadows which a real lightning bolt surely would have.






At first, I thought they were driving by moving lava.


Cap B'Gone



There was nothing between our bodies but my fanny pack. I reached to unstrap it but she stopped me. "Leave it on" she whispered. "Get the condom from your sock." Gently, I worked to open the velcro of my right sandal.


Old age is asking, "Wait, what were we talking about again?" when you're the one talking.



That is the same way girls used to look at me when someone used the phrase "hung like a horse".



Guess what will happen.


Yeah, I got it wrong, too.







That's not his first rodeo.


How does it get air to the intake manifold?

But wait, there's more!


Does the perfect job exist?


All I’m saying is Dorothy from The Wizard Of Oz has more confirmed kills than Willy Wonka.


I wonder if sometimes when a serial killer is digging a new hole in his backyard he ever runs into an old project and thinks wistfully, “Oh yeah… that guy.”



My #1 Advisor spent a lot of time at the Arecibo Observatory. When I went there she asked me if I wanted to walk out to the collector.

Seeing me gawking at the hanging access bridge, she said that the last part was more or less straight up.

Anyway, that first clip reminded me of what that climb would have been like.


I tried something like that inside an underground WWII bunker in Germany.


I would never, ever get on a small boat on an alligator-infested lake.

In many places, it is legal to hunt alligators. But I heard that you have to get them TO THE BOAT before you shoot them. One .22 bullet to the brain will do it. I'm not sure why they have that stipulation.


Kurt Russell Actually made this shot in Escape From LA (1996)




I wonder how many takes that took.


They need more money.


Is that a photoshopped Star Wars thing?


God, that looks soooo dangerous!

Remember this...


A very angry lady screams at a Dunkin employee and gets a surprise. Watch carefully.


Uber Melee that's scary as shit.











A1; Everyone in England turns their computer off at night. You're not helping in the struggle against Climate Change, are you?

Anonymous said...

A1: use the cloud for storage. That way if your computer crashes, or burns up in a fire, you don't lose all your work. Work. It's generally free.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A1 Anon, Would you like to come and show me how to do that?

marlinmo said...


Ralph Henry said...

Thank you, Marlinmo, Now all I need is for you to come to my house and press all the right keys to make that happen. I'm free tomorrow. Is 3pm good for you?

Anonymous said...

A1 - put all your stuff on a SanDisc. They are cheap and hold a boat load of stuff. I have several for important things I don't want to lose if my PC dies. I learned the hard way.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: cats at 2 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 7 o'clock.

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