One Of My Very Own
A German soldier returns home only to find his home and family no longer there in Frankfurt, Germany 1946.
No one escapes war unscarred.
"I want the government to control every aspect of your life...except guns."
- The new Republican Party
Speaking of...
There is a reason soldiers do not take deer rifles into combat. They don't kill human beings effectively enough.
I wonder if the microplastic producers will be sued as were the producers of asbestos?
Can GPS Predict Earthquakes?
Today I heard someone call the Kentucky Derby "Amish Nascar".
Whoever invented Garlic Bread should have their face printed on every banknote in the world.
Those same stupid people believe that meme is about them.
- sound on -

I concur.
Hell, I worked with nuclear weapons technicians who worked while stoned.
No one lies more than a mother who says "We'll see" cause she ain't about to see shit.
Requiring everyone's clocks to be the sase is Communism. Let the free market decide what time it is.
In the last Kentucky Derby, every horse but one was a descendent of Secretariate who still holds the track record at all three Triple Crown tracks - winning one of them by an astonishing 38 lengths.
More anasaphilia...
They neglected to mention diving.
A few days ago I mentioned my desire to see those above a pedestrian path.
Now THAT is an heirloom.
It seems like building codes would be such as to make that impossible.
Something very bad is about to happen. Try to guess what.
I find it interesting that they used Coke to counterweight the level. Why not drink the Coke and add water?
Tower Fall
I was told that signing my emails with "Best" was passive-aggressive so I changed it to "See you in hell" to eliminate any confusion.
Sorry for the awful things I blurted out when I was attempting small talk.
I posted that years ago but I forgot the explanation.
A WWII TV show said that the Soviet Union literally starved the Ukrainians and when the Nazis overran their country the Ukrainians looked at them as liberators. That may explain the street names honoring German generals.
Not me. I used to spend half my time looking for the right tool and willed myself to stay organized. Now EVERYTHING in my studio has its own place.
It was stated that he makes many demonstrations like that but I couldn't pull it up on Facebook.
How to get out of a Zoom meeting.
The real danger of texting while driving...
Here's that fun lilt again...
AAA at its finest...
Voice Actors
DO NOT do this!
After all the clips of sinkholes I have posted, I now know to run - not walk - as far away from that as I could get.
A2 - This makes me SO mad! Especially for someone who has been raped. Thank God I was on the Birth Control pill. This banning abortions isn't about pro life, it's about control. The Republicans don't give a shit about the children after they are born.
Puzzle time: I got it at number three. Confirmed it with number four.
Puzzle time.
Are these US states with the initial letter missing?
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