About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 One Of My Very Own











It has been suggested that white slave foremen in the antebellum South were called "crackers" owing to their practice of "cracking the whip" to drive and punish slaves.




This was the exact face I made when someone asked a question as the staff meeting was ending.



You have a higher chance of dying to a swarm of bees than of winning the lottery.


If you took all of the world’s spiders and let them out in the Netherlands, they would consume the country’s population in three days.




Can you imagine anyone thinking that there was a standing forest of petrified trees like this?


The Colombian serial killer Pedro Alonso Lopez, who is known as the Monster of the Andes, raped and murdered over 300 girls from Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia. However, after he was caught and imprisoned for 18 years, he was put in a psychiatric hospital. There he was reviewed, declared to be sane, and set free, despite his blatant avowal that he fully intends to kill again. Ever since his release in 1998nobody knows where he is or what he’s doing.


Amorepacific Headquarters at Seoul, South Korea

The new headquarters for Amorepacific, Korea’s largest beauty company, is located in the center of Seoul at a site that has been occupied by the company since 1956. It is situated next to a former US military zone that is being transformed into the spacious public Yongsan Park and a business district, which was part of a master plan representing the largest high-rise development in Korea that substantially altered the urban fabric of the Yongsan district.

Did you notice the interior green spaces?


Around this time of year, Japan becomes decorated with scenes of fish fluttering in the sky. Known as koinobori, the carp streamers are an important celebration of Children’s Day, which is on May 5th and is one of the consecutive holidays that makes up Golden Week in Japan. But one of our favorite forms of the celebration happens at Sabogawa River, which plays host to an unusual yet exquisite tradition. Colorful koinobori, which usually flutter in the wind, are placed back into the river where they belong.



Let's try to consider Folio Olio as a collection of stolen memes that may or may not be food for thought

Was Ford and is Musk a Nazi-enabler? Hell, I don't know but it is worth thinking about.


Russo-Ukrainian relations in neutral countries

In Ankara, during the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC), a Russian delegate tried to pull down a Ukrainian flag but got a fist in the nose instead.

The video was made apparently by a giggling Russian reporter, who is heard saying, “They shouldn’t put up their rag.”

Russian media reported it as, “a Ukrainian provocation”.


"Fuck you!"

- Ukrainian probably


Each year about 153,000 people die on your birthday.


Just say no to negativity.



A young John F. Kennedy and his friend Lem Billings posing with their little companion Dunker during their stay in The Hague, the Netherlands in 1937.

Back when rich people went to war too.

The first thing I noticed was that JFK's buddy was wearing shoes like I wore in high school.



That is a wonderful painting technique.


I bet that happens a lot.


Worker: What size pot do you want me to buy?

Boss: The biggest one they have.


We have a large building on campus that has a similar design. It shades offices from the oppressive afternoon sun.





You would think that island dwellers would really be into water sports.


Sympathetic Angles...again.

Notice how the slope of the main wires lines up with the top of the clouds, the roof of the house, and the left side of the puddles.


I need your help again because I don't get it.


Clog Removal


Everyone treats their 30s like their 20s until they suffer The Injury.


Do you have problems visualizing how big an acre is? Just remember that it is 1% of the wood where Winnie The Pooh lives.






How could he not see that in his rearview mirror?


When I was still drinking and smoking I would sometimes turn up my cigarette and try to drink it and didn't realize my mistake until it touched my lips.


I have seen enough sinkholes to know I would NEVER do that.



This is the spot I stood and remembered that Hitler stood there. Now it has been vandalized.


In most places, it is illegal to enter an intersection if you won't be able to get through it.


He has to pay $5m for assaulting and defaming a woman so what does he do? Defames her again!


I haven't left my house in three days and let me tell you - it's wonderful.


A dating app where high schoolers marry the first person they hold hands with and never go to therapy.









Talk about your walk of shame...


They offered a plausible explanation for this. Take your best shot.










Anonymous said...

I had a outer piece of petrified tree as a kid, was about 30cmx10cm in size. I wonder what happened to it?

Anonymous said...

I love watersports but in those places it would be too cold, oh and I hate wearing a wetsuit.
A friend of mine lives relatively close to that football pitch island in Lofoten, Norway.

Suppe said...

Henry Ford was mentioned friendly in "Mein Kampf". Musk on the other hand wasn't mentioned at all in that book. Draw your own conclusions.

Anonymous said...

A spoof of "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

B. Baggins

Anonymous said...

Beaver ancestor fossils (Paleocaster) are often found at the bottom of “Devils Corkscrews” corkscrew shaped fossils of the burrows the animal lived in. These can be up to 3 metres long and were a total mystery when they were first discovered.
Look up paleocaster to see images.

A science guy

Anonymous said...

日本語, Nihongo. Also known as Japanese in English.

Gun Guy said...

Observations and Opinions of Others

There was a Polish women that also was a survivor of the concentration camps. I don't know her name. She traveled the country telling of her experiences in the camp.
She said in her speeches. "Don't let them take your guns"


B8-Elon Musk is a Nazi enabler because he wants freedom of expression for all, not just the Left wing loonies who run the USA? Sounds nutty to me.


[No ref available]
Your Concentration Camp survivor is still wrong...


What is this? [No ref]
A cigarette lighter for a car, or a fag lighter, where I live...

Anonymous said...

It's a car cigarette lighter and was a teachable moment for my nephew when he heated it up and stuck his tongue in it.

PS~Trump is a good guy.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Cigarette Lighter Uncle, Please explain your PS. Your fellow viewers would love to hear all about your rationale. I will post whatever you send me. Please, do this for me, but be forewarned, your fellow viewers aren't going to let you repeat lies or misinformation. Try very hard to stick to the provable facts.

Anonymous said...

B8 Google "george soros protector" look for the video "the interview George Soros doesn't want you to see" Soros stepped on his fellow Jews just to get out alive. Without remorse I'll add

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