About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 8, 2023


One Of My Very Own



My friend made this one much better...

He and I should collaborate.



I've always heard that "woke" only meant that you woke up to the fact that there are injustices in America.




I once had a talk with a 2nd grader about using the N-word and he said that his daddy used that word all the time. I leaned close to him and said, "Your daddy is not in my class."


Some of my proofreaders were very, very good but some of them feared they would hurt my feelings if they were critical. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I once asked half a dozen readers to let me know when they first thought they had the murderer identified. One guy said it was very early because she was the only character without a motive. I rewrote the entire book on that advice.



Life has no remote. You have to get up and change it yourself.


I find it delightful that the odds can be even.



*Viewer Contribution




I once had an old male doctor who asked me if I read on the toilet. I told him I did the daily crossword. He told me to stop because prolonged sitting on the toilet exasperated any hemorrhoid problems.

You may want to think about that while sitting there scrolling on your phone.


It can't be any plainer than that. But I would have preferred the man falling to be in more of a falling pose.


I had a commenter give me the definition of "phobia" to explain that "homophobe" was a misnomer. I felt so sorry for that bastard I wanted to send him money for therapy.



One of the funniest things I've ever come up with right off the cuff was when my new doctor asked me how much I drink. I said eleven beers. She wanted to know if that was per week. I said it was per day. Then she screwed up her face and asked how I knew it was eleven beers a day. I told her that I buy a 12-pack a day and on the twelfth day I don't have to buy one.

She jotted down - alcohol abuse.


Asian Dialects


Bowie tells it like it is


Carson's funniest moment


Here, read this a-fucking-gain...


Every odd number has the letter E in it at least once.


If I have to stir it, it's homemade.



They tow those with little abbreviated semis that are called "toters" because they tote mobile homes.

This is straight from Google...


I imagine that cost extra.


I bet that was a young Croc that will never do that again.


I've always really liked this fence.



And they learned nothing from the last eruption.


My love of balconies and greenery in one building...



*Verification Requested


So now your food can taste like shit IN THE WOODS!!


That reminds me of a very similar item a student gave me for Christmas. I also mounted mine to a door.


Do you guys have any one-of-a-kind items in or around your home? I would love to see them if you do.


The Pons Fabricius Is The Only Ancient Bridge In Rome Still In Its Original Location And Condition. The Last Major Repairs Occurred In 23 BCE.

I used to drive over a very similar bridge built by the Romans as I entered Luxembourg.



The Sword Of Goujian Was Discovered Untarnished And Retains Sharp Edges After ~2500 Years.


The Only Surviving Handwriting Of A Roman Emperor (Theodosius II).


The Only Surviving Example Of An Iconic Roman “Scutum” Shield.


Tiny Book Library


Cooking With Friction


The unluckiest person in the world will be the person who dies last of old age before the cure for aging gets invented.


Masturbating while watching porn is the same as eating while watching cooking videos.



Patrick Swayze Photographed by Mary Ellen Mark at his home, California, 1995


Those zany Nazis...




Hemorrhoidal sufferers need not apply.




Cop Road Rage

The cop was charged with multiple violations.


Kite Surfing

For a week in Puerto Rico, I watched the pros practice that very thing for an international competition.


Light Bulb Guy

I am absolutely certain that there is a person who would do it for less.


A Chinese man suddenly opened the door of an airplane in South Korea. So... can any pilot or engineer explain how it's possible to even open a pressurized door?

How is that even possible. Hell, I have a child safety lock on my wife's van!


Rubik's Cube Theory

I will bet even money that he is MAGA.









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Anonymous said...

Makes it seem they took everything. During the days of colonialism production (mining) was pretty inefficient compared to today, they basically used their hands and shovels so not that much was taken. Not excusing colonialism though. Africa is very rich in natural resources and there's a shitload left in the ground and above but the place is way behind the rest of the world and will forever remain so, the Chinese are their new masters and boy do they love everything Chinese and Russian...

Anonymous said...

I think it's dead, looks like it got crushed.

Anonymous said...

C12, C13,C14,C15 are very interesting and inspired me to research further. One question, is why is the shield in Yale university and not in Syria or Rome?

It happened close to landing, when the pressure differential was small enough for him to open the door.You want doors that can be opened easily by

Anonymous said...


Despite your electric car rantings hydrogen would be the better cleaner option. China and Japan are leading with the most hydrogen refilling stations. Toyota is a big supporter of hydrogen, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha just announced a new joint hydrogen research organisation for small hydrogen engines and Toyota is also backing it. Gimme a hydrogen car and I'll be happy, electric battery operated not so much.

Anonymous said...

It's an emergency door and the plane is at low altitude where the pressure is inconsequential.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Door Experts,
My wife's van is at a low altitude and its rear doors have a child lock. I know about the pressure, but that sounds to me like part of the problem. I know that passengers must be able to open the doors in case of emergency but I think it would be prudent to make it impossible to open until there is an emergency.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: it doesn't fit the word pattern, but I think it is "undercover center".

Anonymous said...

And who decides when there's an emergency? The pilots might be dead and not able to flip a switch how do you open that emergency door then? The door functions correctly, instead deal with

Anonymous said...

They never put children next to emergency doors so no need for a child lock. The door functions properly as designed.

Anonymous said...

C11 "Do you guys have any one-of-a-kind items in or around your home? I would love to see them if you do." So, you want me to send you a picture of me?

Fardygardy said...

re: Richard Nixon

I am not old enough to have a personal opinion of Richard Nixon (being in my twenties and not giving a sh%t), but I do know this:
1. Nixon was the president when the EPA was created
2. Nixon was the president when The Department of Education was created
3. Nixon ended the Vietnam war
4. Based on vote margins of presidents re-elected to a second term, Nixon was the most popular president of all time
5. Nixon was impeached, not because he instigated Watergate, but because he tried to hide it once he found out.

He is a perfect example of personality vs results. I think today, MAGA folk ignore Trump's personality in a similar way

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Door People,
The pilot can seal all compartments for a water landing. He can make the oxygen masks drop down. And he ought to be able to lock the doors. And if the pilot is dead you are fucked anyway.
And "the door works properly as designed" except when someone opens it while you are still in the air.
Dear Nixon Guy,
That sounded a little like the elder in the church who molested my sisters and a dozen people got on the stand and told of all the good things he had done. But with that said, he also opened up China.

Anonymous said...

^^B9^^ 30+ years ago, before the www had been invented, i exchanged jokes with a Hawaiian guy on an online BBS (anybody remember those?) He claimed that Hawaiian society was so cosmopolitan that ethnic and racial jokes were commonplace and served as a sort of social lubricant. I have no idea if that is true, but he sent me a long long text file of jokes that were pretty funny. I may still have it. If I can find it I'll send it to you.

Anonymous said...

The pilots can die on the ground, secondly who crosschecks and arms the doors. It's amazing how you have it all figured out, all the aerospace engineers, safety specialists, the faa, ntsb with millions of hours of experience in the field can't hold a candle to Ralph the internet blogger...

Anonymous said...

Re: Richard Nixon. He also negotiated secretly with the North Vietnamese during the election and convinced them to continue the war until he was in office, one of a long line of Republicans who treasonously conspired with our enemies. The Democrats knew it was happening, but didn't say anything because the CIA had used illegal wiretaps to make the discovery.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Door Guy,
Very well put. I commend you. THAT is how to win an argument. I stand corrected.

Dear Joke Guy,
I would pay money for those jokes...if I had any. You can use my email.

Anonymous said...

The emergency exit doors are designed to be opened by passengers and emergency personnel without any reliance on the pilots/cabin crew. Those exits are actually locked but it's a manual lock you open with the handle before opening the actual door. Keep in mind that in order to pass certification a plane must be evacuated within 90 seconds should there be an emergency. Every person that sits at emergency exit will get quick training on how to open them by the cabin crew (I've heard the story 100s of times because I pick the seat by the exit for the legroom). Say a plane performs a landing and something goes wrong where it runs out of runway and proceeds to run nose first into an embankment, hill, canal etc (such things have happened before) and the pilots sitting up front are incapacitated or dead, who's gonna flip that switch to open the door and then you also have to hope and pray that the systems remotely managing that door are still functional and not damaged rendering the exit useless cooking everybody in the sardine can. That's just one scenario and I'll stop there.

Anonymous said...

Wtf @ the cop

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