About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


One Of My Very Own




Parents must teach their child to read before that child even goes to school. It's hard work but is essential. Consider this: Your child may be a whiz in math and science but when it comes to test time they are going to be brought down by the word problems. I've seen it a thousand times.


We all kind of know what breakfast looks like...

But did you know that almost all school free breakfast is either pizza...

...or cold cereal.


That reminds me of something.

A person that knows told me that one of the problems at NASA is that they don't write new code for new tasks. They just modify old code - warts and all.


If a revolution starts I just hope that crazy bastard doesn't start heaving nukes.


Maybe. I think it's because modern young people know two of each animal can't fit on one boat, a man did not get swallowed by a fish and live, and there was no worldwide flood. They know these things because they shun brainwashing. They hear that you must have faith that it's all true and they say prove it.



True Story: One day half the males of a large group of chimps just walked away. The researchers followed them to a lush valley where they took up residence. Then, without a need in the world, the males all walked back to where the old group lived, waited in ambush, and then murdered the first male that came near. They did not eat it. They just murdered it and then went back to their own area. They did this a couple of times a year and nobody knows what motivated them.

Now we have this...

Orcas have begun attacking boats and nobody knows why but there are two theories:

"One is that the killer whales have invented a new fad, something that subpopulations of these members of the dolphin family are known to do. Much as in humans, orca fads are often spearheaded by juveniles, López says. Alternatively, the attacks may be a response to a bad past experience involving a boat."



Many retired men spend countless hours doing this...

I used to spend two hours in a bar every afternoon, but I always had something to do. I would either edit a hard copy of a book I wrote or more recently, work on this blog. But there were also the sports pools I managed. I managed so many that the staff began calling me the commissioner.

I don't know enough about this to know whether it's a good idea or not. What say ye?


We were in a Cold War with the USSR. What were we supposed to do with them?


I had a commenter tell me that universal healthcare was rationed healthcare. Read this:

The doctor said the kid needed an appendectomy and the insurance company said no.

"Right-to-work" laws are supposed to be good for the country, yet the states with them are the poorest.


Ladies, that co-worker who is a "hugger" does not do that with everyone.





Viewer Contributed This...

Internet fame is interesting. Remember this...

And this guy is known all over the world...







I've never eaten drugs so the cops wouldn't find them. 


Kids today will never know the thrill of being asked by their teacher to go outside and bang the chalk dust out of the erasers.








I think the barbed wire made it think it got bit.


Gator Nuggets are delicious. They taste just like chicken if chickens were reptiles that would like nothing more than to rip you into bite-sized pieces.


I want someone to try that and let me know if it's true.


Screw Driver

I didn't know such a thing existed. 

Did you notice those are screws?


Homemade Games for Old People


Speaking of being old, I saw this way to keep a door open and needed one on my studio door.

But I'm far too old to climb a ladder so I had to mount mine horizontally.

But unlike the top-mounted one that uses gravity, mine needs tension applied by weight on a cord. Luckily, I don't throw anything away so I still had the counterweights that aided in lifting the window sashes in my old house.

These things are very heavy and used to hang inside the wall. This one is about 6" long but some of them are 24"

BTW they were hideously rusted but one coat of this stuff stopped it in its tracks.

So the weight pulls it to the right to click into place when the door is opened.

I had to add another weight but luckily they are made to hook together.


Some women say "I can fix him" but my wife says "He better fix himself if he knows what's good for him".


Going into a bookstore when it's raining it's like grocery shopping when you're hungry.



There's a lot of that going around...


I've held an umbrella over a grill many times.


Does he have those little wheels in the heels of his shoes?


Two cars vie for the same parking place. What is the most unexpected thing about to happen?


At first, I thought the motorcycle was a person in a wheelchair.


 Amazing Agility


This lady should expect to be accosted.

If animals get used to being fed, they get pissed when someone does not.

And this guy ensures that the fish will harass him by feeding it.


Fun Video


Party Pooper





Work Smart






I think that lath.










Anonymous said...

D6 : I'm really hoping one of your readers can identify what that elephant man looking fish is.

Anonymous said...

C6: I think the top wire is electrified.


A7-He would be well off to drink his afternoons away in London. There a pint of beer would cost him $7.47.

Anonymous said...

The top wire on the fence is electrified.

B. Baggins

Anonymous said...

"Right to work laws" really mean employers can fire you for any reason, or for no reason, and you have no recourse. No, unions are not perfect. But the effort and expense made by employers, like Starbucks for instance, to prevent the existence of unions would suggest that they really really really don't want anything like a level playing field. The employer/employee relationship is anything but a level playing field. 40 hour work week? Thank you, unions. Weekends? Thank you, unions. Minimum wage? (as paltry as it is) Thank you unions.

Wrekreation said...

The Fish = Asian sheepshead wrasse

Anonymous said...

C8 def true. I think I read where they strained through progressively finer mesh until it tasted as good as the finest vodkas.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Wrekreation!

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