About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 One Of My Very Own

*That may be the funniest thing I've ever written. It's a visual gag - let your mind's eye play it out.



WARNING: I got a little preachy today. If my expressing my opinion causes you distress then you should close this tab immediately because your emotional stability is very important to me.








The Kerch Bridge, connecting Russia and the Crimean Peninsula has been closed after an incident in which portions of the bridge were damaged, according to Russian officials. Those officials are not saying what caused the damage, but Russian Telegram channels say the bridge was attacked by Ukraine.


I know I don't have to be sarcastic but the world is given me so much material to work with and I would hate to be wasteful.


I'm retired in the sense that I was tired yesterday and today I'm tired again.



I bet she never gets a ticket.



Here's how I read it...


Make 'em laugh and you're halfway home.





This was titled "Cockteaser".

*I haven't heard that word in decades.


Since when did words have genders?

Basically every language except English.


AI will soon be as smart as people - but which people?



Its aim seemed to have gotten much better with practice.


Stone Cutting


Concrete Stairs

What do you think will happen if this giant 20' axe...

...is dropped on this anvil?








When my dental hygienist found out I was an artist she asked me a very strange question: How do you feel about captured images?

I asked for clarification and she showed me a wonderful photo of children playing that was hanging in the hallway. I not only told her that I like it very much but explained in detail why. Then she told me that my dentist took it.

When I get too old to work in my studio I plan to buy a decent camera.

Here are some unrelated images worth sharing.


If you learn anything from me let it be this - stop asking your subjects to smile, just capture the moment.



Photography Tips


Fancy Camerawork


Pretty soon therapists will stop using ink blots and instead, they will show you memes and ask you, "How attacked do you feel?" or "It do or don't be like that sometime?"


The person who made stabbing people illegal, clearly never met the same people I have.



I find that sad on multiple levels. It's like that beautiful woman thought she wasn't beautiful enough and had to make her skin a different shade.


Can you spell BITCH, boys and girls?


Remember when we would tolerate this?

And then there's this...


When she was a teenager, a woman I know would go into her grandmother's room in the afternoon, close the blinds, and tell her it was time for bed. Then she would kiss her good night, turn off the lights, and leave the room. Then fifteen minutes later she would reenter the room, open the blinds, tell her good morning, and help her get dressed. Then she would repeat the closing of the blinds/good night scenario. Her grandmother had Alzheimer's.

That teenager grew up to be a decent woman - something I find extraordinary.


A very nice lady suggested that I was hypocritical for praising Mr. Rogers on the one hand when I would call his deeply held religious beliefs foolish on the other hand.

First of all, I don't care in the least if you want to pray to an invisible creator in the sky. What you do in the privacy of your home or church is your business. But I do care about you forcing what you believe on the rest of us. 

Hell, I think there ought to be a full-length movie made of this whole sordid biblically-documented affair in lurid detail and make it PG-rated.

Let's play a game of "what if": 

How would you feel about posters of these Gods being placed in your child's classroom?

How would you feel if this was printed on your currency?

What if instead of the ten commandments being posted in courthouses, it was the tenets of Islam?

But forcing your personal beliefs on the rest of us isn't that serious until it takes away a woman's right to control her own body because you may or may not have read that "life" begins at conception. Or trying to outlaw any type of sexual expression other than your own.


If you insist on passing laws based on Biblical teaching, how about this one?

Did you know this...

*The laws were struck down at the federal level but they remain on the books in those states.


But all of that dims in comparison to the impediment religion has been to scientific advancement.

And more seriously...

"Prove me wrong". That would be impossible. He arrived at his conclusion without reason, so reason can't be used to dissuade him.


As I have stated often, I will gamble on just about anything. And I will bet that if Mr. Rogers and I were sitting in a bass boat in the middle of a lake and I asked him if he believed that two of every different kind of animal could fit on the ark he would laugh and say, "Of course not." I have had that exact conversation with countless religious people. Most know the stories aren't true but they go along to get along. I am not saying that the teachings of Jesus have no merit. But it is his instructions that Christians ignore most often. 

The point is, people just pick and choose what they want to believe in their holy books. And they ALWAYS pick the parts that match their own biases. I on the other hand decided not to pick this part to believe and that part not to, I just picked the whole damn thing not to believe. And I strongly suggest that each of you keep asking questions until they reach the same conclusion.


Remember this vagina riding a horse?

I asked if it was real and a viewer sent me this:

But then I got this...

"There is another theory, the vulva riding a horse is a pilgrim's badge. The vulva symbolizes The Virgin Mary and she’s holding a flagellum not a torch. Both are just as likely I guess."


I have gotten countless comments that basically say the same thing: We can't do anything to help the less fortunate because my taxes might go up.

And many of us will buy anything made by anyone if it saves us precious dollars.

*Verification Requested

We Americans don't even care about self-preservation.

We know that to strengthen America and weaken our enemies all we have to do is buy goods that are American made but we would rather save a few bucks.


Graham is my Senator and here he is in his own hometown.

And I used to like the guy before he started sucking Trump's dick.


Money might not buy happiness but it can take away a whole bunch of fear.


If she makes you laugh as much as she turns you on, don't fuck it up.





I should have one about my blog.




Cow's Got Talent


Dog in Peril


Water Pump


Elephant Tending

Can you imagine how rewarding that job must be?


Queen Bee


Queen Balling



To hell with the truck, I want to know what kind of tires he has on that thing.





*What does that mean?


"Isn't that special?"

(I bet you read that in her voice.)


That's actually not funny.




Anonymous said...

I'm willing to bet he jumped because he burned his foot and I hope he ended up ok

BoI said...

If my currency had Zues I think the pedant in me would be upset. Zeus on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: Find the differences. Not sure how many there are, but I only found 7 of them.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Photography.......... https://www.instagram.com/p/CtVgxaQtq89/

Anonymous said...

Puzzletime: 8 differences

Buttons on dress
Stain on toilet
Color of paper
Door handle
Spider web

Ralph Henry said...

Dear D1 Anon,
It looked to me like her tears washed off an applied skin color to reveal her natural color. If I'm correct I just think that's sad that she feels the need to do that. Have you ever applied anything to your skin to temporarily change its color?

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