About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023



 One Of My Very Own



I've watched them rip another one's leg off when frustrated.


I'm eternally awed by things like this.



Just something else to worry about.


But my theory is that when the largest black hole eats the only other remaining black hole it will explode into another Big Bang.



And with one Supreme Court ruling, it is all legal.


Clever reuse.


That is one pissed-off bull.


Nice. Eyes are big this year...




I would only store things in there that I seldom used.


That reminds me of the artist who mailed a package to dozens of places in America and then rewrapped them over the old wrapping when it was returned to him. Finally, he mailed it to his gallery for an exhibit and they unwrapped it down to the original (worthless) box.


I like uniqueness.


Art object or peasant innovation?



Floating bog on Lake Chippewa in Wisconsin.

"While "floating bog" was taken from the article, it seems that a "floating island" may be a more appropriate term. Some search results state that a "floating bog" is a specific type of "floating island.""


I don't know what that is about but when I was in Germany they had markings like that before every stop sign and they were very effective.


Better in front of it than behind it.


Speaking of...


Don't you hate it when this happens?


I'd much rather be "too empathetic" than whatever the fuck has happened to half of humanity.


If anyone needs me I'll be fucking off on the internet.


God only knows how fast it was going.


Another victim of misunderstood physics.




And an extraordinary human being in the best sense of the phrase.



How is it that I have never seen them do that?







What was it he stuck the straw into?

*Never mind, it's a sauce.



Making movies looks like so much fun.


White people love yawning extremely loudly and then shouting "shit".


Quit worrying about what other people think. I mean, have you met these other people?




Out of the mouths of babes...









And I'm convinced that is why they are worn.



Danny, is that one of yours? I found it here:


My young nephew and I once rearranged letters on a sign like that.




Aussie News








I like self-starting women.



Anonymous said...


Y'all need constant wars (direct or by proxy) to feed that military industrial machine of yours. It's highly profitably and funded with your taxes and children's lives.

Go on, tell me I'm just hating on your freedoms...

Anonymous said...

Previous anon is right. All that money was spent at home. Some of it (a small amount) paid the salaries and wages of the people making the bombs and shit, and a small amount of that was paid back as taxes. But most of it went into the pockets of the billionaire CEOs of the companies making the shit, who stuck it all off shore in their secret accounts.

Anonymous said...

Puzzel: These things drive me up a wall

Burgervan said...

C12: No, Ralph. That's a genuine photograph (As far
as I know) I used for my edit. :)

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