Protesting The Ban On High School Girls Wearing Slacks In Brooklyn, NY. 1942
Two Girls Greet Their Wounded Father Returning Home From War. 1940
Bride Leaving Her Recently Bombed Home To Get Married. 1940
Children In France Playing With A Toy Guillotine. 1959
Nasa Before Modern Computers. 1961
Margeret Hamilton, Lead Software Engineer Of The Apollo Project, Standing Next To The Code She Wrote By Hand That Helped Take Us To The Moon. 1969
Walking Practice At The Polio Hospital. 1953
A Man Floating In The Dead Sea With A Book And An Umbrella. 1920
People who wake up and immediately start talking. Why do you do that?
My wife signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothes. Hell, if she had loose-fitting clothes she wouldn't need an exercise class.
*Viewer Contribution
It's like that thing they do with bricks.
I thought there was serious doubt about the whole apple story.
Do we know if it was actually profitable?
I remember when it was damaged by a crazy man with a hammer.
Does anybody see an advantage to that?
Janitor (pulling a dead cat out of Hadron Collider) "Here’s your problem right here".
Please don’t tell me how bad your life was growing up, we had to manually roll up our car's windows.
Heavy Metal Fan In Botswana, Africa.
While in Germany, some of my fellow airmen bought BMW motorcycles and drove EVERYWHERE. They all wore leather and my friend ordered eight general's stars for his shoulder flaps. When he showed up at the post office to pick them up two investigators wanted to know why he needed them.
USA And El Salvador Under 16 Basketball Teams. 2019
For a man who regularly drank AT LEAST a dozen beers a day, quitting was remarkably easy. It also meant I could get more work done later in the day because I never operated power tools after I had been drinking.
Is that really a thing?
Remember this?
I wonder what his punishment was. Surely he knew what it was when he knocked it down.
I have been known to ridicule such things but now I say if it helps you navigate this shitstorm then more power to you.
I was always the best artist in every grade. But it wasn't until after four years in the military that it occurred to me that I could make a living making it.
Is that a dildo? I think that's a dildo!
How uncanny.
Elbows are not enough. we need pasta for each and every body part.
"Never change" is the absolute worst thing to write in someone's yearbook.
Elephant Facts
Tiger Shark attacks a boat
"Bring me my brown trousers."

The nazis are no longer the bad guys!
Puzzle. Time: there is a cigar sticking straight out of the wall. It has an ash end.
[C9]: I don't know who said it first, but I've heard it said that any object can be a dildo, if one is sufficiently committed to using it as such. That being said, the upwardly rebounding object in this clip appears to be a sledge hammer, probably of the "three pound" variety.
Puzzle Time:
A cigar sticking out of a brick wall? Am I missing something here?
- MacGyver
^^C9^^ Get your mind out of the gutter! That's a hammer.
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