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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


 Ones Of My Very Own






*Viewer Contribution


That's called learning a valuable lesson the hard way.

"Plutonium Core"


Do you remember when the pilot ejected and they lost track of his F-35?

Well, you are SUPPOSED to lose track of stealth fighters.


Can you find the Heart of Stone?

It's just to the right of its upraised hand.



Yeti Sighting

What more proof do you need?



I instinctively reached up and rubbed my ear.




Chicken Trance


Star Wars 1923




Life imitating art...



If I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?


It is OK to lose your shit sometimes because if you keep your shit you'll end up full of shit and then you'll explode and there will be shit everywhere. And nobody wants that.


I never knew you could do that with a pot completely full.


Competitive Underwater "Torpedo"

That's a very gropey game. I guess some people don't join the team because they want to swim



Horror movie trap room idea.

If the ball falls in one of the holes, the thick plexiglass ceiling lowers by a few feet.



I also heard you can hear the blood pulsing in your ears.




And we wonder why they can't get time off from work to vote.


I'm assuming methane but why did it ignite?


A viewer let me know that this is an art installation in Ahlens City, Stockholm.





-These are worth watching-



Think of the different emotions generated by a dog approaching you on the street and a dog approaching you in the airport.


Marriage vows should include “I will be super annoyed with you any time you come down with a cold”.



Can we as a society just stop with the flaming crap in restaurants?




I once caught a dozen or so crabs on my first attempt. I used a caulk gun to lift them out of the bucket into the pot. The plunger can be clamped down on a pincher and then released over the pot.



I haven't a clue.


All those types of bikes for kids ought to come with a programable governor.



At NAAMA Studios in London, Briony Garbett and her team provide laser tattoo removal services, which can normally cost several thousand dollars. Following Kanye West’s antisemitic comments, the studio announced they would remove any tattoos of Kanye for free in a program they call “Yeezy Come, Yeezy Go.”


This is her first day in boot camp.

To those yahoos who are against women in the military: She will kill you graveyard dead.

Slava Ukraini

And now she's getting some more help...

ATACMS: The Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is a conventional surface-to-surface artillery weapon system capable of striking targets well beyond the range of existing Army cannons, rockets, and other missiles.







 _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _


Anonymous said...

Puzzle: fish tank


Anonymous said...


Wonder if those movies were inspired by the story. They all gained access to the vault via the sewer.

Anonymous said...

The good news is that most bats don't have rabies. But you can't tell if a bat has rabies just by looking at it. Rabies can only be confirmed in a laboratory.

Rabies can spread to people from bats after minor, seemingly unimportant, or unrecognized bites or scratches. Rabies postexposure prophylaxis (or PEP, which includes vaccination) is recommended for any person with a bite or scratch from a bat, unless the bat is available for testing and tests negative for rabies.

Anonymous said...

You can see that kid has experience and he probably races on weekends.

Anonymous said...


GunGuy said...

And I thought you were a feet aficionado!

billr said...

^^B6^^ I call bullshit. I spent some time in a room like that 50 years ago. (I was a janitor in a science lab.) Yeah, you can hear your blood pulsing, and you can hear your bones grinding. Big deal. If you're old enough, like I am now, you can hear that shit all the time. I didn't lose my balance in there either. I do that all the time now. What is weird is hearing your own voice entirely through bone conduction in your skull. You do not hear your voice reflected off of everything around you like you normally do. Things like snapping your fingers sounds weird too. You hear that thru your body more than thru the air.

Anonymous said...

75.4 million millenials can't stop people with guns who don't give a damn about your gun laws.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Gun Law Expert,
That ridiculous argument has been around since the 1950s. Using that logic there is no need to outlaw murder, bank robbery, etc., since the murderers and bank robbers will just ignore the laws.
I think the aim is to outlaw weapons of war in the hands of anyone but the military.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever painted an anechoic room with mosou or vantablack?

Anonymous said...

A7: Also appears to be a dark one near bottom left.

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