About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 11, 2023


 One Of My Very Own



Does No Nut November apply to women also?


That kind of makes me sad.


I'm curious if he's the one who filled that alley with chairs.


King Kong premiere?


That looks like a 24-hour endurance race. I've been to a few and they were drunken bashes.






My wife and I have a running joke. Every morning I announce that I'm going for a jog, but then we laugh and laugh.


Kids today have it so easy. When I was a kid, pediatricians smoked cigarettes during appointments and lead paint was practically a beverage.




I used to work in my studio in the nude rather often.


The funniest people on the planet gather in Hawaii to make a movie. I bet it was wild.


My wife and I always tried to stay in motels like that.



Rule 39.





One minute you’re young and wild, the next you’ve got a hankerin’ to tell a complete stranger how you turned your leftovers into a delicious soup.


The person who named pink eye also named orange juice.



That last one made me think it was photoshopped because there doesn't seem to be enough to hold up the wing, but this clip proves otherwise.








Simon Garfunkl said...



Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: 77
ATU = 66, which was skipped.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Simon,
Why not? Seriously, why the fuck not? It may come as a shock to you but you are allowed to do things just because you want to.
PS: Plus I have a huge penis that I like to admire.

Ralph Henry said...

Well, Anon, I guess if you really want to admire it I can oblige you - BYT NO TOUCHING!

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