That was the actual - now very famous - meme that convinced me to try my hand at meme-making. It should be obvious to everyone that I am not always successful, but I making them brings me joy. Some of my viewers seem offended that my offerings are below their standards of what is and what is not funny. To these people, I say that I am doing the very best I can.
I think there are two main problems:
1. I am a fan of the absurd - the more absurd the better. Many people are not.
2. Some of the OOMVOs are not meant to be funny, just a clever way to get a message across.
But there is a part of this little drama that confuses me. Let's suppose a neighbor bakes and then delivers a plate of cookies to your front door, but when you taste them you don't like them. What do you do? Do you quietly toss them in the trash or do you send a nasty letter to that neighbor berating them for how awful their cookies were?
As an artist, I am no stranger to criticism, but I always considered the source before I allowed it to affect me. And now I sit pondering what kind of person would send a letter to a neighbor who gave them a gift telling them that their gift was shite.
And if I know anything about human nature I would bet money that there are individuals who actually think they were helping me by pointing out my shortcomings. If they really wanted to help, they could send me material to use in my efforts to amuse the masses. But they don't do that. So, I challenge each and every distractor to send me one funny thing they have drawn or written - just one. And I can assure you that I would never tell you that it displeased me. Or better yet, send me an OOMVO that dissatisfies you and tell me how I can make it better. With your finely tuned humor detector, we could create something of real value together - a true chef d'oeuvre.
NOTE: This IS NOT a plea for praise. It is not necessary to come to my defense. You have better things to do.
"Life is just one damn thing after another" is a gross understatement. The damn thing over loud.
There is no such thing as fiction. Just non-fiction written in the wrong parallel universe.
All things Ralph...
As I understand it, they didn't use any modern tools.
Please stop giving your dogs human food because they are bragging to my dog and she is getting upset.
When they show a person hacking a computer in movies they never use a mouse or touchpad for some reason.

Is that a phrase in other parts of the world besides the U.S.?
bruh ive seen too many videos of people falling off roofs to try kicking my girl like that thats just fking around and finding out policy
Puzzle time , packing fudge........
as a long time reader, I enjoy every single one of your OOMVO's, even the ones I don't necessarily agree with or understand. You have a knack, Ralph. keep it up
While driving from New England to Missouri we stopped at the Uranus Fudge Factory in Indiana where "The Best Fudge Comes From Uranus"
Last item. 'Packing fudge'. Uncommon in England; arse bandit used much more.
I know you probably meant jiggling titties, but now all I can think about are giggling titties. Funny. :-)
Puzzle time- ahem.......Fudge Packer!!!
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