About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 2, 2023


 One Of My Very Own











Many years ago I found a photo of an old bathhouse. I had no idea how I would use it, but then I read the statement: "I'm so thankful to get to live in a world where there is..." I forgot how they ended it but it wasn't funny so I didn't bother to save it. Then I wedded the photo and the statement and after days of thinking I could come up with something funny enough. That is where you come in. What do you think the man could say that would be the funniest thing possible. I would really be disappointed if it involved penises or butt sex because that is far, far too obvious. You may change the wording of the sentence in any way you deem appropriate.

Leave any suggestions as a comment.


If you don't cringe when you look back on your life then you haven't grown as a person.


You never need to ask if there’s something in my pocket. I’m never happy to see anyone.





We've found the people who treasure their privacy.


I wonder what that is.


That door stayed in one piece.






My wife can pick it up on one side of the kitchen booth much better than on the other side even though the router is in the kitchen.


Angry Rhino


Polestar is the first fully electric car named after your mom.


Will and Jada Pinkett Smith are so fucked up that it's surprising their kids aren't better artists.


Professional Yes Man.


I think we've found the guy who is tripping his brains out.














Here's a tutorial







JET said...

...a place where men can be men.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what that is.

Midrand Water Tower, South Africa

Anonymous said...

Carlos was right about your OOMVO's. I used to read your blog daily (religiously(oxymoron since I'm atheist as well, but Pastafarian)). Now it's barely a week if I even remember your blog exists. I happened to check in to see if it got better and scrolled back a couple of days worth to see if any content was worth it. But it isn't. Keep in mind. I've been reading your blog since you were going on road trips and putting out keys in random places. Used to enjoy Mikes input, even he seems to have left the building. I even enjoyed keeping you in check about cats. Even though I'm no lady, but it was funny letting you believe it. Just retire "Ralph", You should have ended it with a bang instead beating it to death with HORRIBLE OOMVO's. I always skipped them when there was only one, now it's too painful to even read.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear OOMVO Anon,
Sorry to disappoint you. I wish you the very best.


Keep going Ralph; usually an excellent blog. Marred a little lately with those teenagers who are feeding you politics. Stick to what you're good at...

Anonymous said...

wow, some people get really picky about free stuff. I notice that other anon didn't say anything about maybe doing their own blog, coming up with stuff on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

I think we have found the MAGA cultists. They are mad because some of your stuff makes fun of them and it hits too close to home.
Hugh Mann

Anonymous said...

[A8] -
"I'm so thankful to get to live in a world where there is..."
...mad scientists and mustache wax.

Johannesburg Grand Central Water Tower in Midrand, South Africa
Location: -25.993597, 28.138764

Anonymous said...

Dear Ralph,
Fuck OOMVO Anon.
You're still the best thing going on the net :-)

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