One Of My Very Own
And please shut the fuck up about Biden doing this to him. A JURY did that to him after listening to all the evidence.
As I understand it putting the two wheels in the front and the single wheel in the rear will make it much more stable.
What is that?
Not me. I usually over-engineer such things.
And without a clean-foot guy on set...
*I lost the link to the story.
My cousin was born about the same time as I was but he had that disease. He cried all the time and the doctors could do nothing to help him. So my mother and my aunt took the child deep into the backwoods to an old black healer they had heard about. Back then two white women simply did not go into black backwoods neighborhoods much less at night. But they did. And the old black woman told them that she could help but the two white women had to promise not to come inside the house no matter what they heard. They agreed and sat on the porch listening to that child scream like it was being murdered. But then when the old woman brought out the child it was sleeping calmly. The old woman would accept no money. Over the next few weeks, the child's head shrunk to normal size and it lived a normal life afterward.
It would be easy to dismiss that as a tall tale except both my mother and my aunt swear every word was true and neither of them was the type of woman who lies.
I've taken many young men on mural painting gigs who played instruments. I insisted that they brought them. Tom played classical guitar which was a real treat. Did you know that they have to trim their fingernails to a precise length and slope?
Dog Race
Don Rickles
I loved that guy. His being cast in Kelly's Heroes was a real shock but he did a great job.
I Will Always Love You
Street Vender
*I knew a girl who did just that.
Yes, a lot more stable.
Looks like a rotten tree.
How does a skull simply shrink over a few weeks?
B7 my son kept crying and wincing like he was in pain. Dr said he had colic and advised us to use different milk. We did and a few days later the colic crying and wincing came back. My mother in law knew of a witch, I took my wife there and mind you I was very skeptical. This old man came outside, took my son from us and walked back inside. It was literally like the longest 3 minutes of our lives. He came out, my son wasn't crying no more. Handed my boy to my wife and the old man pulled a knife out and cut a piece of his own shirt and tied it to my son's wrist. He said not to take it off for at least a month. We didn't pay him a dime, we offered and he declined. My son's colic never returned. -Armando
Puzzle - Who's on first.
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