About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


One Of My Very Own 

*Show that to a child and see if they laugh.



Hate is on the rise and coupling it with violence or threats of violence is very dangerous.



I had a beach house in Puerto Rico and spent a week watching world-class competitors practice for an upcoming event.




If you build on a flood plain how the hell do you get it insured?


She would be allowed in my bunker.



Chances are he has no idea how much that weighs and the stress it is putting on that balcony.


A tail light went out on my Toyota truck and no one in the dealership had ever seen one burn out before. I guess the same thing is true of headlights.



*I've taught a lot of precocious children. I'm not saying this format contains all direct quotes but they aren't far removed from reality.



I bet if you ever got that entire thing warm it would heat the whole house.



I haven't reminded you of the importance of this lately...










*I've known four counselors on a personal basis and I know they do some people good but I have very little respect for them.


*Always remember that my fallback position is absurdity.





It's a massive group psychosis.







Fox Facts


A Friend Indeed


Growing Up On The Farm



Impressive Drone Display


*Please don't assume all of them are supposed to be funny.








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