About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024


One Of My Very Own 


What kind of learning curve must those people have?



A Gentle Reader tells me she is "presenting".


Oh, the stories I have.


I feel that way about my blog.



Is that normal?



"If your friends jumped off a bridge..."


As opposed to...




I sometimes wonder how many mistakes like that I make using my PowerPoint.



Could someone please explain that to me?



I think his wheel fell off.


You could say it was his life savings.







*I call her "The Bad Teacher".



And I read that a fault line in Iceland has opened up for the first time in 800 years.


Father and son have identical little birthmarks.




Look carefully...


Balloon Mishap


Exercise That Looks Fun


Street Art













Xavier.A.Wiggins said...

Puzzle. Time: a leprechaun wearing a seat belt.

Anonymous said...


She really has a hardon for Israel, first the iron dome and now she wants us to fund an organization helping hamas.

Anonymous said...

The spider OOMVO was very funny.

greg copeland said...

e jene carrol did not claim trump raped her. she said he put his finger in her pussy, which he denies. you sure have a bad case of TDS.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Greg,
He is on tape bragging about how many women he has grabbed by the pussy and that there is nothing they can do about it because he was rich and famous. And yet you still deny his guilt. That's amazing.

Anonymous said...

A 9: My mom used to say that." Well, if your friends jumped off the bridge would you jump off a bridge too?"
My response was always," Mom, I am that friend who jumps off the bridge".

Anonymous said...

At best he sexually assaulted her, at worst you're making a defense for him at all.

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