How does anyone who lives on a flood plain afford insurance? Or better yet, why would an insurance company even offer a policy?
Is that just computer wizardry?
I once left the gate to my driveway open after loading my truck and after being gone for hours the dogs were sitting inside where the gate would have been. They never left the yard. Great dogs.
When I get to hell the Devil is going to hand me a drywall trowel.
I bet there's a lot of fucking around on a movie set.
There were drifts in some parts of the stands deeper than the fans were tall.
Does anyone know how I can get bricks of cheap currency?
That was one of three places I insisted on visiting during our travels. The other two were The Grand Canyon and Lambeau Field.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Day drinker.
So, what is it?
I ran across several Southern truisms.
Hell, if you don't Duke's you might as well put that bread away.
Skilled Workers
The Shit Some People Actually Believe

Good morning.
Puzzle Time: Have you finally hit "rock bottom"?
Notecard One Liner: I'm assuming that's a rhetorical question.
[C6]: I believe that's a truism applying well beyond just the South.
[B8]: It is a raccoon walking on its front legs. Obviously.
[A7]: I'm sorry to make fun, but "drywall towel" is goddamned hilarious!
[A2}: Does the US Fedral Goverment subsidy/guarantee of the flood insurance industry facilitate, perhaps even promote, the further enrichment of greedy and unethical housing developers via exploitation of desperate home buyers? Asking for a friend...
- MacGyver
Puzzle. Time: rock bottom.
If only there were some girls sitting on it. Then it would have been the song by Queen. " Rock Bottom Girls"
Puzzle: Rock bottom.
B3 - Hi Ralph - I did a search on ebay.com using the search term 'currency' and saw some blocks of notes - not sure I'd call them cheap - but maybe worth you having a look. Hope this is helpful.
Regarding B8: I strongly suspect it is a raccoon walking on only its front legs with its hindquarters raised.
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