About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

SUNDAY #5520

 One Of My Very Own



My friend Danny found this amusing juxtaposition in my last batch of OOMVOs.



*He looks EXACTLY like a man who would do that.


I want you younger people to try and imagine living your life when on any given day you could receive a letter that made you leave your home, learn how to kill, and then within a matter of weeks plopped your ass down in a jungle full of men who wanted you dead.



Why can't we do that? Here's why:

We have a dozen of them.












I'm not sure I understand the point of the exercise.












I have a thing for paper currency.



All things Ralph...



Fishing Hazard


Human Tower












Anonymous said...


Must be true?



Anonymous said...


The two need not be mutually exclusive, you can thank detroit/oil/politicians for killing public transport. PS some might even call public transport socialism, we can't have that...

Anonymous said...


Far right white extremist are but a drop in the bucket when it comes to gun crime.

Anonymous said...

Remember when you asked if anyone else posted the same kind of content (memes, pictures, gifs and videos) that you post and I told you that my Narcissistic Ex did on Facebook? The only difference now is that even he doesn't make memes with his picture photoshopped in them. :/ El Lame-o

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Disappointed Anon,
So I'm supposed to respect the opinion of a person who still visits their narcissistic ex's Facebook page?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ralph, tell the bitch to send you a selfie so you can photoshop their face onto your OOMVOs.
Hugh Mann

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Disappointed Anon,
Send me a selfie and I will certainly paste it on a whole bunch of OOMVOs...I swear.

Danny Newey said...

PUZZLE TIME: From what I've gethered on Google search, it seems that the reflection on the right hand side (as we look at it) of the windscreen seems to show a reflection of a hand, but As far as I can see is it looks like the top of a palm type tree that is out of the picture.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Hugh Mann: This "bitch" says LOL.

Dear Ralph: I used my Ex (anonymously) for a Psych Class project. I was observing his words and actions online both to me and all his adoring "FB Friends" It turned out quite interesting.... and scary at times. My face has been published already and I don't want or need them on a bunch of silly Memes, but thank you for the offer.

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