As I recall the spikes are stainless steel and are designed to be covered with earth then act as a warning to future generations not to dig farther.
Is there anything men won't do when tired?
I guess it would lessen damage to both cars.
They have whole train assembly lots that operate by gravity.
I thought trees had to sway in the wind to remain healthy.
My wife and I bought a paperback book of girl names and took turn crossing out 20 names. We did this until there was a dozen or so names left. Those names were arranged with using them as first and second names. Then that list was crossed out one at a time until we derived at a name we both loved over all other names.
Think of all the people who think visual stimulation is of no consequence whatsoever.
Look at those long hairs on the tip of the tail. My friend Zach acquired a few of those and braided them into a bracelet. They were very thick and rather stiff. I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.
I read today that ONE BILLION of them are obese.
Pottery Pro
I used to be able to do that. I toyed with the notion of becoming a potter instead of a painter.

See anything odd?
You can't make this shit up.
Puzzle Time
That’s Dimitri Martin’s Palindrome.
Science Guy
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