One Of My Very Own

Bronze. I seemed to remember that many of the ancient statues were painted realistically.
The filthy hem of her dress is the most depressing thing I've seen all week.
We promised to protect them if they gave up those nukes - or so I'm told.
Do you remember that I have one very similar to that?
I featured that in one of my novels as a safe place to store artifacts after an apocalypse.
Fun Stuff
Need For Speed
Rugby Feat
Vegetable Sponges





*That was fun!
They were stupid to give up the nukes. You can't rely on the word of others for your protection, they're just words you can't enforce. The US will pick on small guys but they will never go head to head with Russia or China.
A3 - You forgot Pluto. Both NASA and the always reliable Wikipedia list Pluto as a "dwarf Planet", so that should count for something.
Thanks for this blog, it's always fun to read.
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