About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Boys and girls, I give you the...

Somebody is fixing to have a very, very bad day...

This is Vicki.  She has been raising a 6 foot crocodile for 13 years. She gives it the run of the house and even lets it sleep with her son.  Vicki's husband made her choose between the reptile and him in an attempt to save their marriage...she chose the croc.

I have no idea what this rather unique image is about, but couldn't help noticing that the black chick in the middle has no turn table.... coincidence....I think not...
I think her brother stole it....

You leave two men in a storage facility long enough and they WILL find something awesome to do...

There is a nasty joke in here somewhere...and it will probably involve "blow", "bag", "stem", and "pipe"...and maybe "squat".

Good luck with explaining this...

It looks like a peace offering, but...

Well, she managed to cover the essence of the whole argument on one little placard....

I meet a lot of people during the week, and somehow during our first encounter I manage to ask them if they work in a cubicle.  If they do....well, I lose a little respect for them.  It just ain't natural, folks.

Yeah, and my guess is that it has something to do with fermentation....

(that was very clever, if you think about it just right)

Good luck with that, Sparky.....

One of my very own....
And lastly, I don't know any polite way to put this....but "stupidity" was misspelled ON FUCKING PURPOSE!!!!!!!

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