About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This man was knighted for his work in meteor research, so he forged a sword from meteorites.  Try to think up something cooler than that to do today.

Bill Murray is 60 years old.

Some times I like to order two pizzas, both half cheese and half pepperoni.

If you don't get this one it's okay....it really is.

Psychics predict that the world did not end yesterday.

Besides my revulsion at depicting Obama with a halo...

Work: There's a nap for that.

(he kind of looks like John McCain doesn't he)

My wife called me into the house to help her do a jigsaw puzzle.  She said that the box said it was supposed to be a tiger.  I told her to put the Frosted Flakes back in the box.

...and your point is?
Hell, you give a man enough booze and he won't give a shit whether he's shod or not...

It occurs to me that I am getting fucked from both ends.  The rich buy congressmen to pass laws to make them more rich.  Then there is the other end; the tax cheats, the welfare cheats, the Medicare cheats, etc.  And I'm getting real, real sick of it.

Can you even image what this chair is worth?  DAMN!

gazopa.com is a site that allows you to upload an image and it will search and find every image ever uploaded that is similar to it.  Kind of cool.

North South Carolina is 90 miles southeast of Due West.

Two of my very own...
It occurs to me that one religion is NOT more violent than another, it's just that some of the devotees are better at following their god's instructions.

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