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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Look, ya'll! Somebody's got a thesaurus!


Speaking of talking shit...read this shit!!!!!

As an individual who treasures freedom above all else, I find THAT deeply offensive. Can I seek legal remedies?

A couple of signs that leave a whole bunch of wiggle room....

As I understand it, these are all from German. What's up with that?

Rough love defined....

Those zany popsicle stick makers just like to fuck with people....

I knew this fact....
....but what the fuck does launching a bird into pigs mean?

It always interest me the way people use and misuse language. Today we are commanded to use words like "special" to refer to retarded people. But if EVERYONE knows that special means retarded...what's the fucking point?
The above language problem reminds me how the local school district "solved" the problem of children bragging about being straight A students, supposedly to the detriment to lesser students. They changed A, B, C, D, F to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But within a week the smart kids were bragging about being straight "1" students. Stupid, that.
  But it gets worse. Studies show that elementary students with computers in their bedrooms did better in school than those without. Therefore.....THEREFORE, if we simply buy  ALL students a computer then the lesser students would catch up.  Fools.
The whole debate missed the point. Children with computers in their bedrooms are from upper middle or higher households who have the discretionary income to spend on such things. These parents also tend to read to their kids more, take them to museums, have magazines in the house, value eductions, etc, etc, etc, etc.
And we elect school boards...think about that.

Wouldn't you love to know at least one of these songs?

Long read, this, but some people will like it...I did....

Speaking of murdering Islamists....

I've had this image a long, long time. It's not that funny, but too funny to trash....

If you don't know why this next one is funny, it's okay.
You see, this guy has a survivor show and in almost every episode he drinks his own urine. He seems to enjoy it.


This guy needs a thesaurus....

I like funny vandalism. I like it a lot.

I have no idea what Strange in this context means...

This first image is funny, but the second is fucking hilarious...


This young woman obviously has a MUCH higher opinion of the intelligence of the average person than I do...

When I was growing up, rape was a capital offense.

One of my very own...


"Ralph, why is the turntable on the floor?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Launching birds into pigs" referd to Angry Birds game

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