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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


 I couldn't agree more.

 I want our government to stand up and explain to me why the fuck we are over there. Not to make friends, that's for sure. Does this young man look pleased over the death of his old friend?

They will never like us. Their whole worldview dictates that the infidel invader must be repelled at all costs; reinforced with magic pleas to an invisible man in the sky.
 And what a price. We are killing more non-combatants than we are bad guys...

This kid lost a finger, both legs and an eye. Why? He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now I will be the first to admit that these poor bastards are nuttier than a fucking fruit cake....

But not only is it none of our business, they don't hold a monopoly on nuttiness...

And we (Americans) like to invoke the magic, too....


So, my fellow Americans, a SWAT Team can break into your home, handcuff you and throw you in a police car if someone may or may not owe money on a student loan.
Welcome to the land of the free.....


But maybe you have to be a father to get that.

TRUE: New sex survey out.  Three interesting findings...
People who like grammar also like rough sex.
Vegetarians are way more into oral sex.
The more you pay for college, the more sex you have.


(the key word in that, boys and girls, was "our current rocket technology")

If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.

TRUE:  Venus spins so slowly that it's day is longer than it's year.
Neptune revolves around the sun so slowly that it has yet to make one revolution since it was discovered in 1884.

A closed mouth gathers no feet.

 (That last cartoon is interesting in that there is an error. I'm pretty sure that in the first panel of the second row it is supposed to say "My fantasy team is nothing but models and cheerleaders." Not sure I've ever found an error in a cartoon before)

TRUE:  A guy I like comes to my regular bar a couple of times a week and we always have interesting conversations. However, this man never calls the bartender by his name, preferring "Hey!" when he needs the man's attention. I think less of him for it.

Oh, look, she's met your sister...

Doing what you like is freedom.
Liking what you do is happiness.

For Lara....

TRUE: My wife didn't like that joke about her being missing for a week. 
I'm pretty sure that despite having told her many times, she still thinks I make all this shit up. The truth is I lifted that gag right off a website.
However, she had a great point. She suggested that I should have worded it this way:
"A friend called me and said that his wife had been missing for a week. I told him that he should prepare for the worst, so he went to the thrift store and got all her clothes back."
I think she may have a point.

TRUE WIFE STORY #2: I got an email from a man about my wife complaining about my blogs being too long. Here's part of what he had to say.
"Tell your wife to mind her own business. The longer the better. I need at least enough of your shit to make it through my morning shit."

One of my very own....
(PS: I've put together a whole new batch of "One of my very own" and trust me when I tell you that things are about to get weird....real weird)


Why do women do this?
 I don't do FaceBook anymore, but before I cancelled it, women kept sending me dozens of these.....why?

 Did they just all wake up one day and say "I think I'm going to strip down to my undies and go photograph my ass in the bathroom mirror and send it to that Folio Olio guy? Well? Did they?!?

And lastly...
I've got a big poker game scheduled for the weekend of July 4th. In attendance will be: An ex-biker plumber, a retired reefer smuggler, a Buffalo wing chef, an executive with an international corporation, my bartender and me.
I don't know exactly why, but I have the strangest feeling I am going to lose money for the first time in a long, long time. I'll keep you informed.

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